Monday, April 29, 2013

4 Important Lessons to Learn from the Deadly Predators

Predators, statistically, succeed only once out of every 20 hardworking hunting attempts at killing their prey. That's what I have learned from a program on Animal Planet TV channel the other day.

Those animals, winning over the pains and agonies of so many futile attempts, never get tired until making it happen.  

Well, for them, it's a matter of survival and they have to succeed to remain alive. For us, mediocrity ensures stability and the road to extra-ordinary success is full of risks and uncertainties.

So, we prefer not take risks and remain ordinary!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Career Mistake, You Must Avoid!

A couple of days ago, one of the candidates, who was offered a special package by one of my MNC clients, backed out at the last moment.

That's fine. If you have managed to get a better offer, there is nothing wrong in going ahead with the same. It's your career and you have every right to pick up the best option.