Monday, June 19, 2017

Act And Express

We are nothing but a bundle of energy. Science has already proved it. This energy, that we are, is divided between our body, mind, emotion.

If we don't use up the energy allotted to the above mentioned, the unused energy look for different dimension of expression. One of them is disease.

If you wish to live a truly meaningful life, consume all energies allotted to different dimensions of existence.

Work out hard to utilise physical energy and shout out loud to consume emotional energy.

If you don't do it, be ready to embrace all sorts of physical and mental illness.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Get Real, for God's Sake!

With Whatsapp Groups off, there is so much peace in life now. Time to take off from Facebook and all other social media platforms as well.

Nothing is better than one-on-one interaction with as many great friends as you have. Try it out, to believe me! The biggest advantage of one-on-one interaction is: You may shit in toilet, but don't do it in your bedroom.

Social media platforms, with due respect to their inventors, who are monetizing human loneliness, are nothing but toilets for shitting out falsehood. Those inventors are taking advantage of one of the basic human needs: Recognition!

Get rid of what appears to be the reflection of a dreadful loneliness, engulfing humanity with dire consequences, and be social, truly, with people you love and care for genuinely, picking up the phone and calling them up affectionately and, whenever possible, meeting personally!

If you have enough souls within your circle of influence, to do the above, do you really need social media platforms to express yourself?

Social media expressions neither help rebuilding our past image, nor it spoils our current one, since, who do care for us also know what we truly are.

I'm not, here, talking about social media introverts, who, anyways are afraid of expressing their genuine feelings on any platforms of life; but about those extroverts, who live an evenly matched internal and external life on every platform.

A realization I decided to share with my readers. Some may agree, some may not; its your prerogative, whatever it is.