Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Never be A Terminator on Social Media, be A Connector!

Social Media is God's biggest gift to humanity. It has helped most of the humans on planet earth to address a crowd: their connections, sharing thoughts, ideas and a rainbow of expressions. Being on facebook for more than 4 years, connecting with a wide range of personalities from all over the country and the rest of the world, I also have shared my moments of happiness and sorrows.

Apart from that, on facebook, I could develop a few good friends as well: people, who are like minded and  having tremendous social intelligence skills. It has been an amazing learning experience while interacting with them on various issues covering all spectrum of life.

However, I did pick up a few bad experiences as well and, ultimately, had to close down the existing account and open a new one. Let me share with you, what's that painful experience that forced me to close down a 4 years old facebook account and start afresh.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Why Not, Be Your Own Boss?

Every individual desires to raise a family, and own: House, car and what not. But, when asked  about owning a company,  may never give a satisfactory answer because it's perceived to be a risky affair! Owing a company, despite being a strong possibility like all other materialistic possessions, is something very few dare attempt.

It appears a distant dream because you think that it's too risky an ambition to pursue. You wish to play it safe in life and continue working for someone else who was like you not so long ago, but broke the mind set, took the risk, worked real hard and finally achieved it.

So, what's that, that's preventing you from winning over the fear of failure? What's that, that's demotivating you from attempting at becoming your own boss?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mutual Respect Leads to Trust-Worthy Partnership

Many a times, I have seen, people start a new company in partnership but fail to continue together in the long run. I too had my share of bitter experiences, apart from learning a lot from others' experience.

Based on that, I would suggest that if you are launching a new company, in partnership, please take care of  the 'Respect' factor right from the beginning through-out your association.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Tears make Our Life Worth Living

The dark past vanishes, when a bright future arises;

None remembers your failures, when you ride the wave of success.

Never forget your past, when you become successful in future;

Preserve those tears of yours, that you shed in loneliness.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Body Language Interpretation: Key to Success!

Today, I, along with one my partners from a company that we had floated last week, made a presentation to the Director HR of a large Indian Corporate for clinching a lucrative business deal against huge competitions from global MNCs.

My partner, a young and renowned HR professional, who had worked with a host of MNCs before quitting the job, has always been to the other side of the table: listening to business presentations.

During the meeting, when, after launching initial dialogues, I handed the game over to him, he, being a methodical and knowledgeable professional, started delivering a detailed speech to the HR director highlighting even the minutest details.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life Enhancement Quotes

"The Face of Truth is covered, with a brilliant golden orb. Remove it, O Sun, so that I who am devoted to the truth, may behold the Truth" .-The Upanishads

"If I cannot forgive myself for all the blunders, that I have made over the years, then how can I proceed? How can I ever dream perfection-dreams? Move, I must, forward; fly, I must, upward; dive, I must, inward. To be once more, what I truly am, and shall forever remain." - Sri Chinmoy.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Career, or Your Child's Future: What You Love More?

He would leave the home at 7 AM and she at 8 AM, for going to their office. She would comeback at 4 PM, and he would never return before 10 PM. Their pre-teen child would spend the whole day in one of their neighbor's house, listening to their curse, targeted at her for intruding into their privacy.

She grew up lonely, burdened with the loads of being unwanted; she grew up longing for love and care, that she never received; she grew up with a thought of revenge, to make others as lonely as she was; she grew up into a beautiful woman, with no sign of genuine femininity!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Excitement of being Human, Lost Forever!

2 decades ago - while drawing a salary of Rs 4000 pm - talking to near and dear ones over STD from one corner of the country to other, paying @Rs. 60 per minute as full rate, used to demand a flawless execution of just saying 'hello' and 'how are you' to half a dozen anxious relatives and listening to the same from them in just 60 seconds.

A second beyond 60 would have cost another 60 bucks: obviously unaffordable!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Downfall = Loss of Reputation!

This blog, not so long ago, used to be visited by several hundred readers on daily basis. However, now, not even half a hundred bother to come and read whatever bullshit I post here.

The reason for this downfall is very simple: Loss of reputation. Readers, no longer, find my posts interesting enough to invest a few minutes of their precious time.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Destiny's Greatest Blessing: Living for Others!

Somewhere, up or down the lane, that you're negotiating through, you do realize that happiness is more about giving than about achieving;

However, your self-esteem refuses to acknowledge the fact and make your life miserable through demanding more and more for yourself.

Is, Falling in Love A Crime?

Am I what I was, are you what you were?

No, we have changed despite not wanting to.

For better or worse, I really don't know.

But no longer, we are in sync with each other.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Light the Fire, Heat the Iron, And Build Your Destiny

Strike, when the iron is hot: secret to success.

For a few, fortunately, the iron was really hot when they were born. But for a few, unfortunately, iron became hot a few years after their demise.

Do You Have An Antivirus App and Firewall Installed in Your Life?

Don't you think that your body is more or less like an internet enabled computer and your belief system is the operating platform? Well, I think so and, could find at least one striking similarity between computers and humans: both get hacked!

Just like computer hackers, in real life also there are hackers who take control over your life. Life-hacker, as I call them, are essentially not your enemies but they do more harm to you. Unlike computer hackers, life-hackers are people who belong to your innermost circle within your area of influence and know you ins-and-out.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Failed Once, So I Would be Successful Now!

A small business owner, competing against major players from the industry, begged a huge contract from a large organization for setting up a new line of expansion.

You know how?

At the penultimate stage of their presentation to board members, chairman of the company asked: why do you think that you're the most capable contender for this project?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Gratitude: 7 Inspirational Quotes!

A person however learned and qualified in his life's work in whom gratitude is absent, is devoid of that beauty of character which makes personality fragrant. - Hazrat Inayat Khan.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why We Must Clearly Differentiate between Ego and Pride!

I observe, notice and sometime highlight through blogs: both efficiencies and deficiencies of mine and that of others as well who're on my radar!

And one of the most disappointing observations is: despite belonging to a single origin we're so different than each other; however, one common factor that forms the foundation of our deficiency is an inflated Ego!

Some of the best young performers I came across during my corporate career a decade ago have now completely vanished from the scene, leaving behind a trail of inspiring memories.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Inspiration from the Failures, Who are Still Fighting It out

A failure is the person, who is still not successful but he hasn't yet given up on making it happen in life. And a quitter is a failure who has redefined his objectives and strategies, and is still continuing his battle against destiny's injustice. He who gives up, is an escapist, not a quitter. So quitting doesn't mean giving up, but it's another form of failure.

When someone, despite repeated failure, doesn't escape from the battle field and put in his best efforts to turn it around, relentlessly applying new strategies, isn't he the person who could be an amazing source of inspiration for demonstrating a never-ending fighting spirit?

Inspiration - Spontaneous Thoughts!

1. When you tame your destiny down, you're the winner; when you surrender to it, you're the loser; but when you accept and live your life for the sake of others, you're neither a winner nor a loser but true manifestation of God!

2. Think big, and work hard to accomplish the goals; celebrate both success and failure, until hitting the pole; accept defeat, as long as you can sustain it; there after, go all out to force your destiny digest it.

3. When we do it wrong, we don't admit; when we do it right, few appreciate; when we project it wrong, we fail to accept; when we place it right, many recognize; do it right, and place it right too; watch the world, come running after you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why We Do, What We Don't Intend to?

Love unconditionally; don't run after money; be your true self; never hurt others' feeling... on various social media sites, people keep talking about the necessity of embracing these wisdom in real life. And, I too, do the same.

However, in real life, we refuse to love our wife unconditionally, always expecting them to reciprocate equally to our feelings and needs. When they don't, anger and frustrations win over caring and loving.

3 Lessons I Learned from My Leaders

I'm an average person from any angle, and I like it. However, I had the opportunity to work with a few great leaders during my 14 years of Corporate stint: Bajaj Auto Ltd, Vedanta etc.

And, being a natural follower, it was easier for me to learn a few lessons from them - while observing their actions - without prejudice.

The lessons are:

Why Most of the Talented People Fail to Achieve Sustainable Success

Yesterday I was watching an interesting program on "Times Now" TV Channel, highlighting  the achievements of a few dozen highly talented singers who failed to make it happen in Bollywood in the long run -- despite having extra-ordinary potential.

And those unfortunate failures undoubtedly confirms a simple fact, that, apart from having the right talent what really matters in accomplishing long term success is to design and implement a right marketing strategy.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Quitting is not Giving Up!

It's amazing to notice a dramatic change in my life priorities, including career. Having spent more than a decade in pursuing entrepreneurship, with more than expected success until Sept 2008, now I'm thinking of quitting. Yes, I'm seriously thinking about going back to job!

And for that, I have already requested a few senior professionals from corporate India to drop my name to a few prospective employers: Global Executive Search Firms.

Despite being confident about my abilities, I know how difficult it is to get a good break in those MNC Search Firms. But I must try, and keep trying.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

There Must be A Cut-off Point for Your Efforts!

Some give up against a single failure; some endure little longer to give up against repetitive failure, and a few give up while accepting that failure is the pillar of success: may be in another field.

Whatever may be the situation, everyone, standing on the cliff of a failure, must introspect and look at the practical repercussions of not giving up in time.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Every Human's Life is A Personal Website

Life could be considered as the best personal website that keeps publishing a wide range of information pertaining to our existence. The source is none, but our own experience in every domain of life. Everything, that we go through, is digitized - according our own perception, though - and stored in amygdala.

But do we take advantage of such a huge and extremely beneficial knowledge source? Not really!