Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why You Must Write Down the Life Experience, and Share!

All of us struggle in life, in different ways, on a wide range of platforms, through out the life. Some manage to break-even and go up the life-ladder. The remaining continue their fight against destiny with a hope to make it happen as soon as possible.

Every struggle, in a way, represents an epic story of human's in-built quest for achieving a better quality of living. Success or failure is another issue, but the experience earned during this process is unique and invaluable.

I strongly believe that no other social service would be more accomplishing than the pleasure of sharing one's knowledge with others: whatever we have learned out of our life journey so far. And the best way to do so is to go down the memory lane and remember each and every incident that changed the way we used to look at our own life and that of others, pen down those lessons and publish them as blogs.

Having completed 3 years of memorable journey as a blogger, writing more than 300 original articles on life experiences so far, I have now made my personal blog a common platform for sharing life experiences of others as well.

It doesn't matter whether you have written an article earlier or not, as long as you are driven by a genuine desire to share your learning with others.

Try it once and watch the impact it makes on your quality of living. Trust me, more you share more happy you'd be. Because, more you give more you get: Law of nature!  Also, who knows, your life lessons might entirely change the life direction of many others.

So what are you waiting for? Make the beginning right now!

Friday, October 28, 2011

5 Basic Ingredients of Effective Leadership

Some time ago I met the CEO of a fairly large organization who had recently joined the company. Being a good listener - developed this habit with great difficulties - I gave a patient hearing to his future plans: how is he planning to make the company highly profitable etc in a year or so etc..

In a few minutes during the course of our discussion I got impressed, not because he spoke confidently but he appeared to be a highly intelligent person also. So, from learning point of view,  I decided to make him feel more comfortable and  initiated a general discussion on his strategic initiatives.

Gradually he opened up and we had an interesting brain-storming session lasting for more than an hour,  although my appointment was for 15 minutes only.

Apart from other issues, we discussed at length about essential ingredients of effective leadership for successfully navigating through unrelenting business uncertainties.

Let me highlight the Gist of our discussion:

According to him, you can taste considerable success even in a difficult situation if you remain focused on the following objectives -- continuously and consistently.

1. Get involved in everything that matters: Leadership success is like a chain and ignoring even one link may lead to breaking its continuity. Identify the links that matter and do your best to maintain them.

2. Improve self-knowledge: For helping the poor you have to be rich. So for guiding your team members, you must have a strong knowledge base.

3. Eliminate fear of failure: Battles are not won on the ground but in thoughts. You must win over the fear of failure by strictly controlling your thought processes.

4. Improve confidence level: Nothing can be achieved unless you are convinced that you can achieve it. You must remain confident while navigating through the worst situations.

5. Develop an inspired team: You must develop a team of self-motivated performers. Always remember that, more than you, it's your team members who actually make it happen for you.

It was a good learning experience and one of the best meetings I ever had with industry leaders.

If you think that there are a few more essential ingredients to making an effective leader, please share them here.

Why You Must Worry, Sometime!

Don't worry be happy, is the statement universally quoted by all of us to calm down worried friends or relatives. That's fine. But the question is, can we live without really getting worried about certain developments in our life.

No job, a serious illness or personality conflict with some close friend; Can we just remain happy without worrying for working out a solution? Not at all!

Does it mean, unless we worry about something greatly affecting our physical and emotional existence we can never achieve happiness? Yes I think, but to a limited extent!

We must worry for the right reason and convert its negative energy into positive for inspiring us to find out an amicable solution.We must worry, but for energizing us to initiate positive actions. Because, worry, I believe, is the right nutrients for keeping our survival instincts healthy.

However, many of us remain worried in every situation -- making it a habit. And that habit of worrying unnecessarily is what makes our life miserable.

These days life is not so simple that you can just stop worrying. So you must worry if there is a genuine reason, but use it to turn around the situation that's causing it.

Perception Compatibility, Key to Success!

You are an idiot. But the advantage is, others don't know about it. You are not an idiot. But the issue is, others think that you are.

In both the situation, your perception and that of majority of others about you don't match, and that's a huge non-conformity in life's quality system!

Either way, none of these two situation would ever let you achieve and sustain what you want to.

In the first case, even if you achieve success due to others' wrong perception of you, sooner or later you'd fail to sustain it because basically you're an idiot.

In the second case, even though you're capable of achieving success, others' negative perception of you would stop your growth very soon.

So the ideal situation, if you are not an idiot, is, both others and you shouldn't perceive yourself as an idiot -- rather intelligent.

Because, success, either in personal or in professional life, is directly governed by both self-confidence and that of others in you.

And this confidence is greatly influenced by perception.

So perception compatibility, on a positive mode, of self and that of others, within your area of influence, is another key to success in life.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to Raise Happiness Index in Relationship Management

I have two different yardsticks for measuring the impacts of Motion picture on me and I always try my best to apply one at a time and only to the relevant entity.

One category is, what gives me food for thought; the other is, that takes thoughts out of my mind while watching the movie. But the problem arises when I use it wrongly. Like, looking for pure entertainment from a movie which is meant to be thought-provoking.

It happens with all of us, and in every domain of life, in terms of wrongly placing the loads of expectations on others. Invariably this mismatch creates some unhappiness in our life and without realising the reason behind we keep blaming others for no fault of theirs.

I think the root cause of major unhappiness is this mismatch between expectation and achievement: Both from self and from others within our area of influence.

Interestingly what we expect from self and get in return is still manageable with a self improvement drive. However, what we get in return from others is beyond our complete control.

In this scenario, the best method to avoid relationship bitterness is to assess and practically define our expectation from each and every association -- keeping it as minimum as possible.

Having gone through several tidal waves of relationship conflicts so far, now I know better than ever, what to expect from whom, and that has made my life little more peaceful and raised my happiness index considerably.

I'm sure most of you must have surfed through such relationship Tsunamis in your life and designed your own unique ways to counter them as well. If so, please share your experience with others readers to make their life little better than ever.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to be A Complete Human!

Yesterday night, just before falling asleep, a thought came to my mind: Is life all about a few million dollar in cash and few houses here and there, or something more meaningful?

Today morning, while going to the office, the answer came up:

Nothing wrong in going for 'more,' if it doesn't spoil your basic quality of living. However, an uncontrolled quest for 'more and more' sets in motion an irreversible process of self-destruction.

You must work hard to achieve financial independence first. But there after, you should focus more on earning intellectual recognition through creativity and/or social service.

Because, that's more meaningful than making tons of wealth!

There is no point in running after money only; there is no point in running after fame only; but innovate a strategy that delivers both and use them for making the world a better place.

Only then, you become a Complete Human!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Talent Shortage: Myth, or Reality?

"What's your salary expectation?" Asked HR manager of a company to a candidate sitting across the table who has already been approved by key decision makers including the Business Head.

"At least 40 percent hike over current take home salary," candidate replied, confidently.

HR Manager frowned and shoot back, "isn't it too high?"

"I don't think," candidate said. "Since this assignment requires relocating from another apart of the country, and also because I already have an offer in hand with 30 percent hike."

A blunt and to the point justification that didn't really make the other person happy at all, but he responded.

"Look, ours is a renowned company and we growing very fast. If you do well, you can grow as well."

"Also, if we give you the hike that you're demanding it'd completely disrupt our internal salary structure. So, we can offer you a maximum hike of 20 percent only. " He finished, bringing their discussion to an end.

"Is it the final offer?" candidate inquired, in an attempt to stretch it a bit further.

" Well, I'll try to take a special approval for another 5 percent, but that's maximum."

"Okay, let me think it over for a day and come back to you."

"Thanks," said HR manager, concluding their discussion inconclusively.

Nothing happened there after, and that candidate joined another organization with a 30 percent hike.

So all efforts to identify and recruit a candidate who would have made a lot of difference to the bottom line of the company went down the drain, just because existing structure couldn't  allow him to be in!

Above discussion, more or less, represents a typical negotiation process prevailing in most of the talent starving companies, clearly indicating that it's not a talent crunch but their inability to afford candidates with right skills at the market price is what makes them suffer most.

From HR perspective, as the HR manager explained during the above mentioned interview, recruiting someone with a much higher salary than what are other employees drawing at that level would certainly create a demotivational environment in the organization.

And I agree, it will. But then, what's the solution?

Please share your take on this issue, highlighting a few practical solutions to this problem. In the following post, I shall let you know about mine and that would be something revolutionary!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Innovation is What Makes You Rich And Famous!

Something must keep bothering you, even if there is no definite reason nor the need, if you are serious about moving up the ladder of life in totality.

Well, I'm not talking about earning lots of money but about global recognition of your skills in whichever field you are.

When you focus on earning lots of money, and invest wisely, no doubt your net worth goes up and exponentially too, but at some point of time it becomes a matter of habit for you to keep adding more and more to an overflowing kitty.

Busy over securing your life and that of your family members, often much beyond what is really required, you lose sight of an important accomplishment which is an essential part your existence: Intellectual recognition!

Remember, money doesn't make one rich and famous but a successful product or service that he or she innovates.

Money follows!

Also, people don't acknowledge your being rich and famous on the basis of net-worth but what's your contributions to humanity for making the world a better and simpler place to live in.

What could be a better example than that of Steve Jobs, who left behind a meager 6 billion dollars worth assets. But, can we calculate his accomplishments?

Never forget, when you innovate a successful cutting edge product or impacting service: A best selling book, or mobile phones, or something entirely new -- it fulfills your need for intellectual recognition as well as materialistic gains. 

So focus more on innovation rather than earning a few millions. If you succeed, not millions but billions would follow you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cruel Verdict of Unpredictable Destiny!

It was a disappointing day, today, that begun with the news of unfortunate demise of a young relative, only child of old parents.

She had been struggling for more than a couple of years against a disease that affects one in a billion globally.

Doctors at AIIMS, as a last resort, operated upon her, but unsuccessfully, and today at 6 AM she finally succumbed to the cruel verdict of destiny.

In a way she was relieved from unbearable pains and agonies, but for parents, it happened to be an abrupt end of a wonderful relationship that life can ever bless us with: Parents and children.

The pains of losing only child can never be described in words, but having watched it for several hours, behind a composed face of her father, I wonder how fragile and unpredictable is life as such.

Life will never be same again for them, her parents, especially at this age, accepting the fact and then living with it.

All I can hope and pray is: May God give them enough strength and courage to look beyond and live a peaceful life!

Monday, October 17, 2011

How Can Time be More Precious than Life?

This thought came to my mind while watching a program on 'Discovery Channel' on 'how busy is life at Mumbai.' In fact, one of respondent went to make a statement that in Mumbai Time is more precious than Life!

Simply amazing and painful to notice, how our inability to manage time has transcended into such a destructive belief.

I think its a negative mind set, cultivating a deeply embedded belief in our amygdala, that the best way to project our success in professional life is to let others know how terribly busy we are!

Actually, if everything is going well in your department and also in the organization you are currently working for, I think there should never be a situation when you're so hard-pressed for time. Even if not, you can still find out numerous ways to reduce your inefficiencies at least.

Long ago I wrote a blog highlighting the lesson I had learned from one of my seniors at Bajaj Auto Ltd, Aurangabad, regarding effective time management. Since then I have never faced similar situation in my career so far, despite working hard for several hours a day.

Time management is not so difficult, if we know how to focus on what really matter and filter out less useful activities from our daily agenda.

I vividly remember the words of inspiration from that senior, " Abhijit, if I'm able to manage sitting idle for several hours day while managing such a big show, how can you fall short of time?"

It's high time to look for a solution that would save your time, which, in turn, you invest in your personal life for making some useful contributions to the welfare of your near and dear ones.

A simple Google search with key words 'Time Management' would pop up numerous article on your computer screen; read a few with attention, understand the concept, try them out sincerely, and then notice the difference.

Time is more precious than life, is perhaps the most stupid statement I have ever come across in my life.

Always remember, under any circumstances, nothing, absolutely nothing is more precious than life!

Friday, October 14, 2011

How I'm Preparing for Another Recession!

Not yet completely recovered from bone-chilling impact of the recession in 2008, that almost shattered an otherwise not so problematic professional life, the sign of another downturn looming large on the horizon has made me seriously think about designing a few effective counter-measures as soon as possible.

Being an entrepreneur my thought-processes may not perfectly align with what is required to be done by those in job; however, the fundamental message, I believe, is pertinent to both the categories.

Expand the horizon:

Most of us, either in business or in job, remain contented with our current state of affairs without bothering much about a future shock that might dislodge our foundation in no time.

That's exactly what happened with me in 2008!

I was happily married to a few large and rewarding clients, generating enough revenues to successfully run a small organization having half a dozen employees. So much was my confidence in those clients that I never bothered to widen my area of operation.

Another way of putting it could be, that, I perhaps was a bit less ambitious or may be I was earning beyond my expectation.

Whatever it was, but I certainly had restricted myself to a narrow zone of business operation.

And when recession struck, most my clients completely froze their recruitment drive, bringing my cash flow to almost nil for several months thereafter. With residual hiring still going on, I could survive the nightmare but not without paying a huge price in terms of a complete erosion of my net worth.

So this time I'm not taking any chance and going all out to increase my clients-base as much as possible.

Create an alternate source of income:

Creating an alternate source of income requires a lot of advance planning, and most of us never bother to invest the time required for figuring out an appropriate strategy.

Last time I failed to innovate a result oriented strategy that really works when needed, and wasted precious time in establishing a blog that couldn't even generate 10 percent of the money I needed to keep my life moving.

So this time I'm looking for expanding into retained search business in partnership with a highly competent HR professional.

If we are able to execute even half a dozen assignments in next 6 months, being a high value service that would generate enough cash for painless surfing through another recession if at all that happens.

There are a few more areas of improvements I have identified, and working hard to seal off every loophole in the system that might again expose me to the cruelties of another devastating recession.

You too must think it over, in advance, and design your own strategy as soon as possible!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve Jobs: Successful Leadership Thrive on A Cocktail of Love And Fear!

Steve Jobs, the most successful CEO in the modern business world, had once fired an employee in the elevator and another for bringing a wrong brand of mineral water.

At the same time, he continued inspiring several thousand employees of a sinking giant and - in less than a decade - made it the world's most admired company.

Sounds contradictory?

Yes it is, on the surface though, but that's what: two different shades of Steve's character, made him immortal in the corporate world in terms of driving people to utilize their hidden potential for achieving stupendous success.

I'm sure that people in Apple must have loved Steve Jobs, and still do, for being such an inspirational leader. Nothing could be a better example of his true character than the incident, when he dropped his own idea that he found inferior to another suggested by a team member.

At the same time, they must have feared him deep down their soul, because he never believed in anything less than perfect.

I think a successful CEO is not only immensely loved by his employees for demonstrating the power of true character but feared as well for his dis-likings towards the performance that fall short of his huge expectations from them.

Just being kind to your employees wouldn't make you a successful business leader, but a combination of love and fear!

However, the composition of this amazing cocktail is unique for every situation and the leader must keep changing it according to the need of the hour, always putting love on the higher side.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Are You A Predator, or A Prey?

Predator and Prey were there, are there, and will always be -- until the world goes bust.

Let's not put forward some bull-shit arguments against this 'Law of Nature.' Because, whether we accept it or not, this universally applicable arrangement of survival for the fittest wouldn't change.

However, what's more important is: You belong to which category; are you predator, or a prey?

In a civilized society, Predator means people with more power: Authority or monetary, ideally both, and Prey means the less fortunates. Unless you decide to embrace the sainthood, you don't have a third option but to fall in either of these two categories.

So look at your current state of affairs and evaluate, which category you belong to. Most likely, like me, you are a Prey -- unless you are very rich and/or famous.

Now the issue is: Would you like to remain a helpless and always scared Prey, or upgrade yourself to be a powerful Predator? Psychologically, and naturally, no humans like to live like a Prey. So, by saying otherwise, don't fool yourself as well as others!

Now that we can safely assume, that you are keen to transform yourself into Predator, what steps are you taking to make it happen?

Frankly speaking, most of us just keep talking about being a Predator (hugely successful) in life without really doing anything about it.

For discussions sake, ignoring those by-birth predators, the remaining, that we currently have in the society, were helpless Prey like you and me. But through a series innovative approach and with an unrelenting never give up attitude, they could ultimately cross over.

I'm not writing this post to offer you a few tips that would bring about a sudden change in your category, but to remind you that if you wish you can certainly become a Predator and live life king-size.

However, let me share with you an observation: If you watch Discover/ Animal Planet channels on TV, you'd notice that every predator has a unique set of skill that they keep sharpening for making the best kill with minimum effort. I mean, using the techniques that they are best at, produce the best result.

You too must do the same: Identify what are your strength areas and keep developing them continuously. Also, you can never be a successful predator unless you develop your skills faster than others.

It's like choosing the right stream and achieving a certain percentile to qualify as successful, as we see in competitive examinations.

If you think you can't, no problem, remain a vulnerable prey throughout your life until falling victim to a predator.

Life is not as simple as we assume it to be, but a jungle full of predator and prey living by a simple rule: Kill or get killed - unlike animals - through self-upgradation or vice-versa!

The Grand Finale of An Amazing Dance in the Moonlit Night!

Things were going fine for an hour with all of us gradually adapting to the situation, perhaps enjoying it too.

Seniors were keeping close watch on the quality of dance and to impress them some of the boys even started treating their partners as real females. And, my own partner was one of them!

Then I heard someone shouting loud, 'stop it, stop it.'

'Oh my God, it's warden,' said my partner and ran down to the corner of the terrace to pick his cloths. Instantly bell broke loose, with juniors jostling against each other for putting their dress on and seniors running for cover.

Warden was not alone, in fact he had brought a few staff members also with him and they were standing at the sole entrance/exit point.

Suddenly predators turned prey, and to avoid getting caught red-handed some of them didn't hesitate to try an otherwise impossible escape route: Jumping onto the extended part of the windows at floors down below.

Most of them managed to escape, but a few who couldn't were threatened with dire consequences and were asked to report to the Principal's office next morning.

With dust settling down, Warden asked us to go back to our rooms and report to him the occurrence of any such incident in future without fail.

Overall it was an amazing experience of an unique combination of fear and entertainment, but it would be inappropriate to say that we didn't enjoy it.

'College days' is perhaps the best period of a student's life, especially for a hosteler like me, in terms of learning a few unforgettable lessons.

I'm sure, that adds tremendous values to one's ability to facing life's ruthless side with a never give up attitude.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Helpless Parents Fighting Against Destiny's Blow!

Both of them were sitting on the floor, outside the Emergency dept at AIIMS, New Delhi, when I met them in the morning.

And their only child, a daughter aged 22 years, still kept in ICU, after a panel of doctors at the institute operated upon her for six hours to cure a rare cardio-vascular disorder, continued fighting against the blow of destiny.

Both of them almost broke down, with tears running down their checks, the moment they saw me and my wife and we too couldn't hold it back. 

Her mother is my wife's first cousin and one of most loving characters in their whole family. Her father, a highly knowledgeable person and a school teacher, is a simple person by nature.

I'm sure, none of them would have harmed anyone in their whole life, and here, in one of the worsts situations that life can ever dump upon human: Awaiting the demise of their only child, they represent the utter helplessness of any living being against the verdict of destiny!

With a remote chance for survival, known to her even, she, before the operation begun, was consoling her mother, saying, "Mom, don't worry, nothing would happen to me and I would come back to you."

Why I don't know, but a flame of hope is still alive in my mind for the simple reason, that, destiny is not such a heartless entity that it could inflict upon these two helpless humans a life worth dying thousand times everyday.

Many people go through similar ordeals, many will, but I haven't seen such from so close so far. Even the thought of getting into their shoes, sends chills down my spine!

How come they're living with it, is what making my eyes moist -- while concluding this post. I still believe she would survive, and she must!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To Get Something, First Give a Little Thing!

One wrong brick, added to the foundation of life, can make it crumbling down when you least expect it; one right choice, made at the beginning, can help you smile through the pains of life! You always live, the consequences of your own choice.

Nobody likes to be disliked, but only a handful are immensely liked by many! Why? Because, liking is the manifestation of a sense respect that one person develop in his mind for the other.

Frankly speaking, none can like you -- without first respecting you. We leave no stone unturned to be liked by others, without really focusing on earning some respect from them. And there we go wrong, wondering what went wrong!

Neither being a CEO in organizational hierarchy, nor holding the position of a head of the family, can catalyze the process of being liked in that domain -- unless you command some respect from your team, and family members.

And that respect is the child of unconditional giving - without expectations - that you must practice genuinely, not just pretend! Give away, as much as you can, sincerely, without expectations, and watch how people start liking you even beyond your expectations.

Nothing comes free of cost in life, not even the 'LIKINGs.' Always remember, to get something, first you must give something. Trust me, once you master the art of giving without expectation, life starts rewarding you with everything that you may expect least.

Personally speaking, I have suffered, and hugely, while practicing this concept, however, in the long run, I found it to be exceptionally rewarding in terms of earning respect from others.

So what, if I have failed to save a lot of money; so what, if my net-worth is shamefully disclosable, but what makes my my life meaningful is a few note of thanks, uttered by some -- with RESPECT!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Are You A Great Life-Gambler?

Often you put in your best efforts, but results don't follow; and sometime even if you just do it, results start pouring in. I'm sure, most of you must have noticed it. In fact, I first noticed it three decades ago, while gambling with 3-cards in engineering college hostel.

So what's that?

Well, I think, we can call it 'Favorable Time,' may be 'Luck' also. Whatever we call it, but it greatly influences our performance matrix in a given time: Either way!

I don't think it's difficult to identify when is the time not really in favor, if we know how to integrate intuition with evidence: Effort vs Result curve!

The more we sharpen our intuitions to precisely sense the onset of good times - and make it a point to maximize our efforts during that period - higher would be the "Return on Investment." But we must also identify when does the favorable time start turning around, to reduce unproductive investment of genuine efforts and the resultant frustrations.

He who can correctly identify these multiple favorable periods through out his life-cycle and use them to the best of his capacity, proves to be a great Life Gambler!

A Leadership Lesson, I Learned 25 Years Ago!

The first lesson that my boss taught me, when I started my career two and half a decade ago, was to learn as much as possible about the routine jobs that people reporting to me were supposed to perform. What he was talking about is not the expertise, but the basic knowledge.

As the technology was still in nascent stage for that industry, it was more about individual skills at all level to maximize the production with minimum break-down.

His insistence made me work for more than 16 hours a day, for several years, learning about every technical skills essential to keep the factory running 24/7, never allowing any of my team members to make a fool out of me.

In fact, his teachings have been playing a crucial role ever since I started the journey of entrepreneurship more than a decade ago: Helping me build the company from scratch, thrice so far!

What he taught me so long ago, is perhaps one the most important requirements of effective leadership today: Leaders, apart from being conversant with human behavioral aspects, must have the basic knowledge of all functional requirements falling within his span of control.

Because effective leadership is not just about managing people through behavioral interventions, but also about having a layer of all functional knowledge: Both technical and non-technical.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nothing Wrong in being Honest in Public

Nobody wants to talk about negative aspects of their life in public. However, the moment something positive happens they start sharing with everyone.

Yaa, that's what we have been taught by our parents, who in turn by their own: Never grief in public, because that's always perceived as a sign of weakness!

Am I right? Yaa, but what we were taught may not be absolutely correct in the current context. All us know, there is nothing wrong in being honest in private. However, I believe, there is nothing wrong in being honest in public as well.

By public I didn't mean you keep shouting your frustrations out to whoever you come across, but sharing your sorrows and griefs through a blog or social media updates.

When I started doing it, 2 years ago, through my blog articles and sharing them on social media, lot of people didn't like such frankness. But a few did appreciate my courage and honesty, and most of them are now my close friends -- even though we haven't met in real life.

Being honest with self in private is never a sign of weakness, because it makes you coming to terms with negativity and initiate appropriate corrective action; however, being honest with others in public is in fact a sign of confidence, because that makes you stronger to handle that negativity better and turn it around in your favor.

I know, it would be difficult to win over the fear of being ridiculed in public, but you can start it incrementally and move ahead in course of time.

Next time you feel bad about something, just share it with your social media friends and watch how good you feel. However, there is a word of caution: Open yourself up to the external world, but never cross the limit of personal space.

Never ridicule anyone, origin of your sufferings, by taking their names and revealing what kind of relationship you have with them -- just share your pains and agonies with others, and move forward.

Recognize Others' Achievements, and Improve Yours

Nobody moves ahead in life, without in-built or acquired strengths; nobody lags behind, without genuine reasons. However, most of us fail to accept our weaknesses and appreciate others' achievements.If someone has achieved something in life, have a big heart to admit and appreciate.

If you are one of the last few participants, completing the race, thank God for your achievements but work hard to improve your ratings in future. Unless you learn to appreciate others' achievements, you can never learn the secrets to own your own.

Look at them who are more successful in life, learn from them a few secrets, and then unleash your potential to achieve much beyond.

Surely you can, only if you think so. Because, you already have the capability but that needs to be streamlined. What you need to do is to build a castle out of available resources: Improvise!