Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Was A Failure, So I'm Confident of Success Now!

Never Give Up Winston Churchill

Your work is to discover your world, and then with all your heart give yourself to it. #The Buddha
"I was a failure; I'd destroyed a similar venture in recent past. But now I know: Why and how it happened and also, what should have been done to avoid it," said an entrepreneur during his presentation to the management committee of a large corporate - competing against a dozen big firms - staking a claim for handling a prestigious project.

I read it long ago, in a blog, and that made a huge impact on my emotional system. It made me realize that, the journey toward success is an illusion unless refined by a series of failures.

It completely changed the way I used to interpret my own life developments: A series of failures, injecting an overwhelming dose of strength and succor that helped me to keep moving -- successfully fighting against compelling demands of highly unfavorable situations.

Rejection is an integral part of entrepreneurs' daily life, so is failure. Most of us succumb to it because we hate failure, we hate to be turned down by a prospect, and at some point of time we feel it's not our cup of tea -- and that inevitable negative thought decisively brings the curtain down, finally!

But, not every body gives up. A very few shamelessly stick to their chosen path drawing inspiration from the most unexpected sources, finally coming victorious! They are the people who neither accept defeat nor fail to learn lessons from their mistakes, and in course of time change the direction of their own destiny.

The gentleman, about whom I've mentioned in the beginning of this post, perhaps belongs to this category: Who never give up! And, I keep drawing inspiration from him, everyday, fighting against all odds, to prove my worth to myself as well as to the whole world.

Well, for your information, finally he won that prestigious project beating the best from the industry.

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