Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wake up the Sleeping Giant within!

Today I was watching a program on TV, reconstructing the survival story of three people who lost their direction while finishing off a remote island.

Frantically searching for their base, unsuccessfully though, they exhausted boat's fuel and with great difficulties somehow managed to reach a rocky and isolated part of the island.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Preview: Life And Thoughts of A Warrior -- The Path of Fire!

Read the Preview of my latest E-book, which has been published on Amazon Kindle store, and click on the following link to buy and download it from Amazon website: Life And Thoughts of A Warrior.

Life And Thoughts of A Warrior

Every time, the black clouds of pains gathered across my mind, I would write an article, flushing the agonies out of my system and breathing in fresh air of hopes for a better future, inspiring self for keeping the fights on.

Those notes, written over a period of 3 years - those 3 years of unbelievable fight against destiny's torture - highlight my helplessness and also the determination. Hundreds of them, truly reflecting, what I had gone through, are now being edited to come out as a book.

If my story of pains, agonies and the determination to refuse giving up can save even a single soul from succumbing to life's struggle, I would be the happiest person on planet earth.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Social Intelligence: Key to Success for HR Professionals

He called up and desperately, requesting me to look for an immediate placement for him as he has already been serving the notice period. He is the same person whom I have been repeatedly calling up for past several months, but in vein. He never bothered to pick up my calls, neither called back. Simply put, he refused to maintain a decade old relationship while riding the success wave.

Another professional, who would always give me an appointment, but would refuse to meet at the last moment , not once but several times, demonstrates a weird behavior that needs detailed analysis to identify the root cause of such an irrational approach. Ideally, when you're not interested to meet someone, the best way is to let him know it outright instead of agreeing first and then aborting it at the last moment.