Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stop Living Someone Else's Dream, Live Your Own!

With a few dozen stage performances to my credit, even before reaching the age of 16, I had always wanted to be an actor. However, being slightly better than the average in studies, I became an Engineer -- fulfilling my parent's dream.

Yes, I ended up following my parent's decision and living their dream, not my own! But, I don't blame them, because, had I been in their place, I would have done the same.

I cried, I begged, but my Mom, being a Tiger Mother, remained focused on making me an Engineer which happened to be a golden career not so long ago.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mother's Last Conversation with Me: Two Drops of Tears!

She is gone. Yes, my mother has finally left this world. She died a fortnight ago, and I'm yet to come to terms with the fact that she would never pick my call on her cell phone and say, ' Hey son, all well?

Last time she spoke to me was a day before she fell unconscious. She said, 'Come soon to see me for the last time. I won't live long.' She appeared very weak, but cheerful as always. ' She never regained her consciousness, as she had a heart attack the following day along with severe kidney ailment.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Never Let Your Hope Die A Premature Death

All of us live for a purpose: The purpose of life -- sometime clear, sometime not; sometime achievable, sometime not. But, we continue our journey with a hope and it's that hope which defines our quality of life.

Hope is the biggest motivator towards achieving success in living a purposeful life. When you dump your hope, you get reduced to a creature living just for the sake of it.