Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't be An Emotional Fool!

Most of the people come to a conclusion - while handling a dispute - listening to one side of the story or, to both the sides but believing the one coming from people whom they are emotionally attached with.

Don't be a fool, to be blackmailed emotionally, if you wish to follow the path of neutrality and justice.

So I suggest: Never blindly trust even the most trustworthy but verify the content of dispute, before taking a call on the issue and releasing your opinion.

Never forget, that, sometime, even your most trustworthy people would tell you a lie and the least ones a truth.

I know a few who had committed the same mistake at crucial junctures of life and destiny didn't even give them the opportunity to repent it over.

So listen to both sides, while sorting an issue out, and, only then, come to a conclusion that you feel is appropriate according to the situation.

The web of relationship is so intricate, that, the lack of clarity in any complex situation, and the corresponding wrong decision, can force you be drawn down the dark ocean of confusing conclusion-- a point of no return, even if you realize your mistake later!

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /