Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chasing A Dream!

One of my mini e-books, published on 'Amazon Kindle' a couple of years ago. I forgot about it, but a friend just reminded me while making a request for a non-commercial copy.

Product Description

During a fierce battle against recession, in 2008, that completely changed the frame-work of my life, I, to remain alive, desperately looked for every shades of inspiration from people around me.

While negotiating through 2 years of unbelievable struggle for survival, I realized, for the first time in my life, the true meaning of what my mother used to say when I was a kid: Never Give up!

This, my first E-book, consisting of 24 real-life stories, highlighting different aspects of inspiring relationship, is a tribute to my 80 years old ailing mother, who, through an excellent upbringing, inspired me to never accept a defeat in life.

Note: My mother is no more.

Click HERE to download.