Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Bridge Too Far? Not for All!

A Bridge Too Far

In Business, job and in family matters: your inner-circle members are counting heavily on you for navigating them safely through to a stabler zone -- a continuous and never ending process!

As an entrepreneur you're expected to honor your commitment to self: success; as a leader, you're expected to perform better than the rivals: growth and as head of the family you're expected to be a never-ending source inspiration: both internal and external. Continue reading

Monday, January 18, 2010

Are You Getting the Right Seat on the Right Bus?

Are You Getting the Right Seat in the Right Bus

According to management guru and best selling author Jim Collins, the most important question entrepreneurs need to ask themselves is, " who is on the bus?' Bus is the company.

So it's very important for the owners to know if they've got the right people on the bus, and I think this question needs to be extended a bit to, " are you getting those right people in the right seat?"

Some of the organizations I've been dealing with for hiring miss out on this point; they're extremely cautious during interviewing, and somewhat clueless thereafter -- my personal opinion.

And that eventually leads to a stress-full situation for the candidate - struggling to realign according to the needs - failing to meet the expectations of the management for no faults of theirs.

I've witnessed a few incidents in my executive search career when high profile candidates - recruited by me for reputed clients - reverted to me with piled up frustrations.

Several attempts to thrash out the differences were met with a silence; recruiters reach is up to the boarding platform of the bus, and beyond -- no entry. However, candidates neither realize nor accept this argument; ultimately holding recruiters responsible for the mess.

I understand and agree: Assessing why employees are  not up to par is an internal matter of the organization, so is the required corrective action. But what's the harm in getting some opinion from the concerned search firm, which wouldn't be that useless, I believe? 

I think leadership must look into this issue seriously and work-out a result-oriented strategy to ensure perfect synchronization of employees' expertize and organizational expectations, and candidates should do their best to find out details of the proposed offer -- before closing the deal.

Talent hiring is not about getting the best available candidates only, but putting them in the right place - seat - also!

Do you agree with me on this issue ?

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Control Your Mind for Making Miracles Happen in Life

Control Your Mind for Making Miracles Happen

That our thoughts affect our physical health has been know to us for a long time, and in my personal life also I have seen how strong determination and will power can expedite physical healing process when one my close relative recovered almost fully from a devastating Brain Stroke -- something unusual!

Bedridden for more than a year and all cognitive skills erased from the memory, he practically learned everything again including walking, writing and talking. It was a recreation of childhood learning processes but much faster.

Even the doctors were surprised to notice the degree of improvement, and one them even told me that it was nothing less than a miracle.

But miracles don't happen on their own, in fact nothing. What makes a miracle happen is human will power or mind power and I haven't yet come across a better example in my life, so far. 

I am sure, he made that miracle happen through creative visualization that helps you to
imagine circumstances in your life unfolding exactly as you want –

As the scene plays out in your mind and you feel the
powerful emotions that come with those positive images, the scenario
actually will begin to play out in your life, says Joe Vitale,
as quoted in an article by Polly Campbel.

I call it "Rising from the Ashes."

So never feel helpless in a frustrating health situation; establish Mind & Body connection and let your mind heal your body.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Have the Ability to Make Big Things Happen in Life

You Have the Ability to Make Big Things Happen in Life!

'Making Things Happen' in life is the core message of this blog. Apart from my my own thoughts and ideas on this concept, I have been regularly highlighting the best available resources: articles, videos, presentations etc.

I strongly believe:

All of you have the ability to lead and inspire, and nothing can prevent you from making things happen in life, if you decide to.

However, it requires a huge preparation and the first step in my opinion is, building an unbreakable self-confidence and believe in self.

Keep telling yourself that you can do it; soon you will notice the rise of huge emotional strengths within and you will start believing in yourself. It may take months, even years, but possible. The moment you start believing you can do it, you have almost done it!

Watch this video, draw your doses of inspiration and promise to yourself that you will never give up!

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Join Our Group "Leadership And Networking" On LinkedIn

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Is Money, the Ultimate Motivator ?

Help Your Children Cope up with Stress in Life

Relationship: Old is Gold but Old Friends are Diamonds

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Never Spoil Relationship with Colleagues All Through Your Career

Never Spoil Relationships with Colleagues All Through Your Career

Nothing moves on its own, not even your career, and you need a hell of a push to keep it moving up: both by self and also by others.

But, who are those others and how they influence your career through such 'push-and-pull?'

Your subordinates, peers and superiors -- not only in current organization but also, where you worked earlier.

I once lost out on a promotion deal: one of my ex-colleagues - we both disliked each other and made no secret of it - happened to be in good book of my current boss and his negative feedback cost me the promotion and a good career. 

'Was it right or wrong on the part of my boss?'

Obviously wrong, because he should have verified the facts with a third-party before drawing any conclusion -- which he didn't.

But nobody bothers, because that's how - usually - such issues are being worked out in the Corporates world: recommendations, either way, play a  vital role in deciding the reward!

Similar incident happened with a friend of mine, but in his case it was a new
assignment that was almost finalized by the employer, before retreating suddenly.

Same reason: negative feedback by an ex-colleague.

So never spoil your relationship with anyone, anywhere, all through, because you don't know, who at what point of time - may be a decade later - may pull you back.

I was fortunate that a superior shared the fact, and I learned a lesson.

Take care!!!

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Is Money, the Ultimate Motivator ?

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50 Yrs+: Who Says; You are Too Old to Get a Good Job?

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