Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Never Spoil Relationship with Colleagues All Through Your Career

Never Spoil Relationships with Colleagues All Through Your Career

Nothing moves on its own, not even your career, and you need a hell of a push to keep it moving up: both by self and also by others.

But, who are those others and how they influence your career through such 'push-and-pull?'

Your subordinates, peers and superiors -- not only in current organization but also, where you worked earlier.

I once lost out on a promotion deal: one of my ex-colleagues - we both disliked each other and made no secret of it - happened to be in good book of my current boss and his negative feedback cost me the promotion and a good career. 

'Was it right or wrong on the part of my boss?'

Obviously wrong, because he should have verified the facts with a third-party before drawing any conclusion -- which he didn't.

But nobody bothers, because that's how - usually - such issues are being worked out in the Corporates world: recommendations, either way, play a  vital role in deciding the reward!

Similar incident happened with a friend of mine, but in his case it was a new
assignment that was almost finalized by the employer, before retreating suddenly.

Same reason: negative feedback by an ex-colleague.

So never spoil your relationship with anyone, anywhere, all through, because you don't know, who at what point of time - may be a decade later - may pull you back.

I was fortunate that a superior shared the fact, and I learned a lesson.

Take care!!!

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