Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Never Let 'HOPE' Vanish from Your Life!

Hold onto IT!

Don't let IT slip away from your life, even if its sharp corner is piercing through your flesh, digging deeper and deeper inside your bones.

Learn to endure unbearable pains, absorb unbelievable shocks and erase the slightest traces of tears from your eyes, but never let IT vanish from your mind.

Cross the path of fire with with no complaints, digest every rejection with a smile and make every insult strengthens your determination, but never allow IT run away from your life.

Whenever you feel like giving up, whenever you find yourself completely demotivated and whenever you decide to call it day, hold onto IT for a while, because, you're almost there -- just a mile away from your destination: An extra-mile!

Nothing in life but IT, defines your future and I call IT -- HOPE!

Never let your HOPE for making a grand future die a premature death; I'm sure, that, the power of HOPE will never let you get tired while negotiating through that most difficult terrain of an extra-mile during your life journey.

All of us put in our best efforts to scale the summit of success, but, most of us give up while surfing though the zone of unbearable pains and agonies

You know why?

Because, we fail to hold onto our HOPE!

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