After a long tine Sandip called up, and the gist of what he told me is as follows:
After a long time Sandip called up, and the gist of what he told me is as follows:
There was a time, when I used think that the success I had achieved would remain with me, and forever; nothing could take it away. But, I was wrong!
Today, while struggling to rebuild my business from ground level, I have realized that being complacent with my achievement was the biggest mistake of my life and I have no option but to pay the price.
I have read a lot of true stories about those successful entrepreneurs who had gone through similar situations, not once but several times, and hope I also make it again in my life.
While reading those bone-chilling episodes of struggle for making a turn-around, I could never realize what it means to comeback to the starting point, while losing everything that one had earned over a decade of successful entrepreneurship.
But today, having gone through a similar situation, now I know, how painful it could have been for them.
Why it happened to them and, for that matter, to me is a different story, but the mental strength that one needs to endure a massive failure and rise from the ashes is too high to be demonstrated by a normal human.
Yes, learning to walk again at the fag end of life is not everyone's cup of tea, and it requires shear madness to prove to self and to the world that giving up is never an option.
I'm fighting against all odds, and not shy of sharing with you, Abhijit. Time has taken everything away from me, but not my confidence. I'm confident, that very soon I shall make it happen again on a much bigger platform. Wait and watch!
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