Friday, May 17, 2013

Life is Like A Chameleon, that Keeps Changing Colors!

When life teaches a true lesson, it does so in a ruthless fashion!

Someone I know, an arrogant person, in a stable job, with enough money to secure even a 100 years of life, had the principle of neither extending monetary help to others in need, nor taking any such help from anyone, because he thought that he had more than enough savings.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Lay the Foundation Blocks of Our Life

Success or failure in life is predominantly determined by a set of values and abilities that come from the right up-bringing, apart from inheriting a few useful genetic links.

 And who else, other than the mother, imparts those values?

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Destiny's Torture: 5 Deadly Mistakes You Must Avoid in Life!

He was a hugely successful professional who had built up a company from scratch and was running it efficiently for several years. Everything was picture perfect. With good growth bringing in lots of money, he was enjoying life like never before.

Then, suddenly, business started shrinking and, over a period of one year, he lost everything that he had earned and invested till that time. It happened, when the great recession of 2008 swallowed uncountable small businesses all over the world.

Cash flow came to a grinding halt, obviously destroying the business set up that he had established with so much love and care, and, finally, one fine morning, he found himself in a debt trap amounting to several millions rupess with no source of income.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Take Charge of Your Life

Self-confidence is the key to meaningful survival and achieving astonishing success in life! #AK

Stop consoling your-self that you had tried your best but couldn't make it happen, because your destiny never allowed you to do so.

Having embraced failure, and several times, the only lesson that I have learned is: none, but we, ourselves, spoil our chances of making it happen in life.

You assume that you are putting in your best efforts, but you never do it in the right direction; you pretend that you are leaving no stone unturned to make it happen, but you keep choosing the wrong stones all the time.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hold It, Don't Just Give Up!

To experience a tough time in life is nothing unusual for most of us. But, when it prolongs beyond normal human tolerance level, the damage it causes to self-esteem makes one extremely vulnerable and even a small issue appears enormously large.