Friday, June 15, 2012

Destiny's Torture: God's Agent on Planet Earth!

Sandip has always tried to live, more for others than for himself. However, in that process, while trying to keep others happy, he, perhaps, even surrendered his own legitimate claims on a minimum happiness that humans need to remain emotionally alive.

It is true that he is physically alive but I could clearly make out that, emotionally he is almost dead. Because, he has donated his own share of happiness to his near and dear ones.

Well, he belongs to a rare breed of people who value others' happiness more than their own. They just give away, everything, and unconditionally, without any expectations of returns whatsoever.

Well, practically speaking, I shouldn't call him emotionally dead. Rather, he is perhaps more alive than most of us. Giving away everything, that he has, to people within his area of influence, has made him more alive than most of us.

Yes, take your case and introspect: How much have you given away in life without even uttering a single word of regret. I'm sure, most of us, while doing an unbiased analysis, would realize that we, somewhere, have always been a bit selfish in most of our life transactions.

Nothing wrong in being selfish, within a permissible limit, because we, the normal humans, are wired to be so. But they, people like Sandip, who dare cross over a thin but almost in-penetrable line of demarcation between being common and uncommon, and live with a mission to make others happy, are called God's Agent.

Sandip, truly, is God's agent on planet earth, who is dedicated to making others smile even at the cost of his own! I am sure, there would be many more wise souls like him in the world, who have silently but happily sacrificed their own happiness for making others happy.

I have been tracking Sandip's life developments for a while, and to know more about this amazing personality you may please read my previous blogs on him HERE.

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