Wednesday, June 6, 2012

True Friends Are Forever!

Nothing really matters in life than a positive response to a call made in distress to an old friend, whom you haven't met for more than a decade.

I don't know about your experience, but, in last few years, all the calls I made to my old friends - trust me, I must have made quite a few - were answered positively with genuine concern, making me realize that I'm not that unsuccessful in building and maintaining a few long term relationship.

Success for most of us is never a permanent phenomenon, but we fail to realize this simple fact, and, while riding the tsunami of success, choose to avoid nurturing those old and gold relationships.

Frankly speaking, the reason is as simple as avoiding to remain connected to our roots. We, perhaps, feel shy to admit our modest beginning and keep it as an integral part of our life. But, that's a hugely wrong approach!

Don't commit this mistake: Never ignore those relationships, who watered your life when you were none; never forget those people, who gave you company with no vested interest; always remember them, and their contributions to your life; never get disconnected from them, because they are the only genuine earnings that you have made in your life.

I know, it's difficult, especially, when you are surrounded by too many, celebrating your current success. But, always remember, these people, who are so close to successful you, would vanish in no time when you fall from the summit of success down the valley towards failure.

I can bet my life, that, when you fall, none would come to your rescue except those old and gold relationships. Because, they genuinely care for you, you the person. For them, it doesn't really matter what you are and were, but who you were and are: A friend they love and care for, just for the sake of it!

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