Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Detached Attachment!

A deep sense of attachment to every relationship and the activities we carry out, is the root cause of our unhappiness. I'm taking about emotional attachment, which is different than emotional commitment.

When you erase the sense of attachment from your mind and soul, expectations from efforts remain zero. When you do your Karma with no expectation, positive results make you happy but negative outcomes never affect your mental equilibrium.

Commitment without attachment is the key to achieving happiness. Because, attachment gives birth to expectation which is the root cause of all evils.

Look beyond the illusion of attachment, but remain committed to the cause if you really wish to live a happy life. Be committed to all your relationships and activities, put in your best efforts to deliver the best results, but always remain completely detached from the consequences of the developments.

So the key to success in life, beyond materialistic world, lies in living with the principle of 'Detached Attachment' but with a strong sense of irrevocable commitment.


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