Saturday, September 15, 2012

Inspirational Lie!

If there is a will, there is a way: A plain lie, it is, highly inspirational though. Accept or not, but at some point of time in your own life -- you too must have realized it.

I agree, inspirational quotes, particularly the above one, surely boost our moral to work hard toward achieving certain goals and objectives, but, we must also realize, that the net result is invariably influenced by a few other factors; most of them, beyond our control.

'There is a will, there is way' doesn't pay off on its own. Sheer 'Will Power,' doesn't, in some highly complex life situations, lead to an amicable solution.
However, I agree, that a 'Never Give Up' attitude certainly energize our emotional space, accelerate our efforts and improve the probabilities to attain whatever goals we have set for ourselves.

Well, even though it's a lie, let us take it on face value and keep working smart for making our life better than the past and present.


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