Saturday, July 23, 2011

Isn't it Better to be a Genuine Monkey, rather than A Deceptive Human?

A question, the answer to which could be interpreted in different ways, is rattling my mind for a last couple of days: Am I a monkey, living the life of a human?

I think, I am. I mean, I truly deserve to be monkey who, by the grace of God, was illegally upgraded to humanship.

Living a life that's always been on the edge, like the monkeys who keep on struggling for survival on daily basis, I achieved what I perhaps never deserved.

After a picnic for more than 2 decades, when God unexpectedly brought me back to where I truly belong to, I realized that humans are so lucky to be ruling the World although they've spoiled it beyond repair.

As a monkey, I could live a life, living in the moment, never bothering about nor caring for tomorrow; however, as a human, despite attempting to live in the moment, I eventually ended up being neither a human nor a monkey.

Having achieved everything that a normal human can think of - and losing it too - I, frankly speaking, would have no regrets even if God pushes me back to a permanent monkeyship.

Because, then, looking at the mirror, I would see my true-self: A real monkey -- unlike a thousand who, despite being petty monkeys, are still ruling the World as humans.

So isn't it better to be a genuine monkey, rather than a deceptive human?

Image: Jonah Sparks on Flickr

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