Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Happens, If Anna Hazare Fails to Deliver?

There is no doubt about the legitimacy of Team Anna's "JIHAD" against rampant corruption and that of Anna's followers from all over the country, including me, because, being a patriotic citizen of India I'm also desperately looking for a long term solution for curbing this menace.

However, watching this movement swelling up - so fast - entirely on the basis of a huge expectation of the protesters from Anna Hazare, what's worrying me now, is: What happens, if Anna fails to deliver in toto?

Most of us, with some knowledge of how democracy functions in a political set-up, know that it's impossible for India's political leadership to implement Jan Lokpal -- as it is.

But 'Team Anna' has been consistently assuring that the Government have no other option but to bow down, with Anna confidently declaring that he wouldn't give up fast until Jan Lokpal Bill is accepted in totality.

I hope and pray that he succeeds, one hundred percent, but I know, he wouldn't. Because, that would destroy the fundamental administrative structure of a democratically run nation!

Making a promise is easy, but while committing to an extra-ordinarily big one - and that too, to an unprecedented emotionally charged population of India who're ruthlessly discarding every logic - and then failing to deliver, both in short term as well as in the long run, could lead to a chaotic situation in the country.

I hope it doesn't happen, but there is a strong possibility of a huge public disappointment. Because, driven by emotionally charged expectations, the crowd would simply reject any compromise formula -- which is inevitable.

When that happens, will Anna Hazare and his team members be able handle a few hundred thousand's angers and frustrations?

Image License Copyright All rights reserved by hrishikeshpanvel

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