Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Never Stop Trying to be Extraordinary!

What is extra-ordinary-ship?

Is it something beyond the reach of ordinary people?

Not really! Because, most of the extraordinary people are basically ordinary and at some point in time, they, willingly, and supported by the pull of destiny, zoom past ordinary-ship.

What inspires them to undertake this journey and complete it successfully?

The answer is: A dream of making it big in life! However, never forget that it's not just about dreaming big, but a lot of result-oriented actions that ultimately govern the outcome in terms of turning a dream into reality.

Some people start dreaming of becoming extraordinary in life, but never act seriously to make it happen; a few put in every efforts to make it a reality, but fail for reasons beyond their control; the remaining, with little help from favorable destiny, slip past the filter of ordinary-ship and make it big in life.

Yes, luck or destiny whatever you may call it, does play an important role in shaping up your future. But more and more attempts you make, more and more you try to tame your destiny down -- more and more you get closer to the target.

I believe that success is more about your ability to endure the devastating impacts of  numerous tempests, testing your patience and mental strength, during the journey towards achieving extra-ordinary-ship in life.

Tortured by deadliest storms, on the way, if you think of giving up even for a moment, while failing to get up in time, your dream is shattered and forever!

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