Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Destiny's Torture: The Lost World of Happiness!

Having gone through an amazingly successful period of life for little less than a decade, and then embracing an equally devastating period of failure for more than 3 years by now, I think, that, I have realized what can make humans happy in life.

I'm a common man with an average intelligence level, hence, I may be wrong while saying: Happiness is derived out of a feeling of nothingness, when you have no assets or liabilities to manage but your own spiritual self!

Going by the scientifically established facts of social comparison as a parameter of success evaluation, I, for several years, was much ahead of most of my contemporaries in terms of earnings.

Today, having lost everything in life that I had earned, and deep down the black water of liabilities, I'm struggling hard to come back to the surface so that I can take another breathe and keep my struggle on.

I must, because I have to ensure the safety of my near and dear ones; I must, because I have to discharge my duties towards people I love and care for; I must, because I have to make a few beloved self-sufficient in life.

I can't quit from the race of life before completing my responsibilities. Yes, I'm working hard to make it happen again, and I'm sure that I would do that very soon.

But this time, once I make it happen again, what I'm sure about is: the day I bring my liabilities to zero and complete discharging my duties towards my family members, I shall stop making money and dive deep down into the ocean of nothingness to locate the lost world of happiness!

Would you accompany me?

Note: This blog is not on me, but on one of my friends Sandip whose life-story I have been tracking for more than a couple of months. Yesterday he called me up, and shared his thoughts on a range of new developments in his life. I have just put those in my words and published here. To know more about him, pl click HERE
