I'm sure, more often than not, you find yourself in a situation when all your sincere efforts to accomplish a goal produce no results. Frustrated, you wonder, what the hell is wrong with you and your mission and, ultimately, feel like giving up.
Yes, giving up is the easiest way to come back within your comfort zone, blaming destiny for aborting your life mission. All of us have gone through similar situations in life, and we know how difficult it is - not to give up.
But never forget, success is not only about performing against all odds but sustaining the mission when luck is deadly against you. If you can survive the worst time, in terms of sticking to your objective, sooner or later the situation will turn in favor and then you must go all out to make it happen.
I know how difficult it is to survive the worst, because I have experienced it. I know how compelling the situation becomes, forcing you to change the track. But, I also know, if you make up your mind and refuse to give up, and stick to your track, nothing but success is going to be the reward for you.
It's all about standing up every time you fall flat, and repeating it up until you stop falling. It's all about waking up the sleeping giant of original self inside and tapping that never ending source of power. You have it, I have it, in fact all of us have it, but, we never try to tap it when the time demands.
Unleash the power inside you and show yourself - and the world as well- that you have failed miserably to give up in life. Never forget: only the sleeping power within can help you failing to fail miserably and make you sustain the worst period of your life. Always remember: the power of failing to fail miserably keeps nourishing your self-confidence and inspire you to achieve success milestones one after another.
Let the power of 'failing to fail,' inspire you to delete the word 'failure' from your life dictionary, motivate you to immerse the demon 'defeat' in the ocean of hope, and finally energize you to make it really happen in life. All the best!
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net