We are not necessarily meant to be, what we are today.
But, if we are not meant to be what we are today, like or not, be assured, that success will always elude us.
What we are meant to be, however, is defined by our genetics and first 5 years of up-bringing; most of us, unfortunately, never realize this fact and end up doing what we are not supposed to do and blame destiny for our failure.
Well, I'm still searching for this truth: What I'm good at. You too do some introspection and come to a conclusion!
What we are meant to be, however, is defined by our genetics and first 5 years of up-bringing; most of us, unfortunately, never realize this fact and end up doing what we are not supposed to do and blame destiny for our failure.
Well, I'm still searching for this truth: What I'm good at. You too do some introspection and come to a conclusion!