Thursday, August 15, 2013

Never Fail to Provide Emotional Support!

 We humans are social animals and we can't survive without getting support from each other. That's what society is all about, more so a civilized society.

Support could be in various forms, but there are two primary support systems that determine the degree of meaningful survival of an individual: Economical and Emotional.

Here I completely agree with the logic of Maslow's "Law of Human Needs" at various level of existence.

Physical Needs: Food, Clothes and Shelter are our primary needs, and we can't physically survive without them.

Emotional Needs: Strong emotional bonds and mutual support system, with people within our innermost circle of influence, are the keys to our emotional survival.

I think both are equally important. Neither money alone, nor a sound emotional support system only, can ensure a healthy survival.

However, there is a remarkable difference between the two, and that is: The amount of money one needs for fulfilling Physical Needs depends on his socio-economic status and geographical location; however, on the contrary, the quantum of Emotional Needs is independent of any such factors.

Irrespective of the value of our Net Worth, all of us need love and care from our near and dear ones and, I strongly believe, we can't lead a normal life when that Emotional Support system collapses for whatever reason it may be.

A Billionaire or a Beggar, for both in fact, a minimal Emotional Support system is an absolute necessity. When that tumbles down, very few people would have the courage and self-confidence to remain a normal person.

The point I wish to make here is very simple: Never fail to extend emotional support to people within your area of influence, even if you're unable to help them financially -- when they desperately need so!

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /