Saturday, December 11, 2010

Please, Let Me Be My True-self!

I thought people love me for being what I am: Being humorous; being down-to-earth and for my good intentions.

But I was wrong, because people never loved me for being my true-self. They loved me for being what I projected to them -- falsely!

There exists a community in India that teaches its members to talk sweet irrespective of whatever lies inside heart, and history confirms that they are the most successful business community.

In my professional life also, one of the most successful bosses - who incidentally belong that community - taught me to be extremely decent on surface while hiding my real feelings.

Hypocrisy, no doubt, but it paid off exceedingly well during my association with him in that job. Political, no doubt, but my colleagues took it on face value contributing to my career success there.

But I never liked it, then, and don't, even now, because I believe that a strong building rests only on the foundation of genuineness.

So, let people think and do what they wish to; I would remain what I truly stand for: Good or bad, whatever, but my true-self.

Yes, let me be my true-self while dealing with the world -- irrespective of the consequences, whatsoever!

Image credit

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