Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Grand Finale of An Amazing Dance in the Moonlit Night!

Things were going fine for an hour with all of us gradually adapting to the situation, perhaps enjoying it too.

Seniors were keeping close watch on the quality of dance and to impress them some of the boys even started treating their partners as real females. And, my own partner was one of them!

Then I heard someone shouting loud, 'stop it, stop it.'

'Oh my God, it's warden,' said my partner and ran down to the corner of the terrace to pick his cloths. Instantly bell broke loose, with juniors jostling against each other for putting their dress on and seniors running for cover.

Warden was not alone, in fact he had brought a few staff members also with him and they were standing at the sole entrance/exit point.

Suddenly predators turned prey, and to avoid getting caught red-handed some of them didn't hesitate to try an otherwise impossible escape route: Jumping onto the extended part of the windows at floors down below.

Most of them managed to escape, but a few who couldn't were threatened with dire consequences and were asked to report to the Principal's office next morning.

With dust settling down, Warden asked us to go back to our rooms and report to him the occurrence of any such incident in future without fail.

Overall it was an amazing experience of an unique combination of fear and entertainment, but it would be inappropriate to say that we didn't enjoy it.

'College days' is perhaps the best period of a student's life, especially for a hosteler like me, in terms of learning a few unforgettable lessons.

I'm sure, that adds tremendous values to one's ability to facing life's ruthless side with a never give up attitude.