Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nothing Wrong in being Honest in Public

Nobody wants to talk about negative aspects of their life in public. However, the moment something positive happens they start sharing with everyone.

Yaa, that's what we have been taught by our parents, who in turn by their own: Never grief in public, because that's always perceived as a sign of weakness!

Am I right? Yaa, but what we were taught may not be absolutely correct in the current context. All us know, there is nothing wrong in being honest in private. However, I believe, there is nothing wrong in being honest in public as well.

By public I didn't mean you keep shouting your frustrations out to whoever you come across, but sharing your sorrows and griefs through a blog or social media updates.

When I started doing it, 2 years ago, through my blog articles and sharing them on social media, lot of people didn't like such frankness. But a few did appreciate my courage and honesty, and most of them are now my close friends -- even though we haven't met in real life.

Being honest with self in private is never a sign of weakness, because it makes you coming to terms with negativity and initiate appropriate corrective action; however, being honest with others in public is in fact a sign of confidence, because that makes you stronger to handle that negativity better and turn it around in your favor.

I know, it would be difficult to win over the fear of being ridiculed in public, but you can start it incrementally and move ahead in course of time.

Next time you feel bad about something, just share it with your social media friends and watch how good you feel. However, there is a word of caution: Open yourself up to the external world, but never cross the limit of personal space.

Never ridicule anyone, origin of your sufferings, by taking their names and revealing what kind of relationship you have with them -- just share your pains and agonies with others, and move forward.

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