Friday, October 28, 2011

5 Basic Ingredients of Effective Leadership

Some time ago I met the CEO of a fairly large organization who had recently joined the company. Being a good listener - developed this habit with great difficulties - I gave a patient hearing to his future plans: how is he planning to make the company highly profitable etc in a year or so etc..

In a few minutes during the course of our discussion I got impressed, not because he spoke confidently but he appeared to be a highly intelligent person also. So, from learning point of view,  I decided to make him feel more comfortable and  initiated a general discussion on his strategic initiatives.

Gradually he opened up and we had an interesting brain-storming session lasting for more than an hour,  although my appointment was for 15 minutes only.

Apart from other issues, we discussed at length about essential ingredients of effective leadership for successfully navigating through unrelenting business uncertainties.

Let me highlight the Gist of our discussion:

According to him, you can taste considerable success even in a difficult situation if you remain focused on the following objectives -- continuously and consistently.

1. Get involved in everything that matters: Leadership success is like a chain and ignoring even one link may lead to breaking its continuity. Identify the links that matter and do your best to maintain them.

2. Improve self-knowledge: For helping the poor you have to be rich. So for guiding your team members, you must have a strong knowledge base.

3. Eliminate fear of failure: Battles are not won on the ground but in thoughts. You must win over the fear of failure by strictly controlling your thought processes.

4. Improve confidence level: Nothing can be achieved unless you are convinced that you can achieve it. You must remain confident while navigating through the worst situations.

5. Develop an inspired team: You must develop a team of self-motivated performers. Always remember that, more than you, it's your team members who actually make it happen for you.

It was a good learning experience and one of the best meetings I ever had with industry leaders.

If you think that there are a few more essential ingredients to making an effective leader, please share them here.

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