Thursday, November 18, 2010

We Are A Set of Multiple Personalities, Frozen With Time At Various Life Intervals

The other day, while talking to a professional connection, I happily shared with him about a common friend who has made it hugely in life and appeared to be far ahead of contemporaries as far materialistic success is concerned.

'OMG,' was the reaction and then he said, "Nice to hear about his success, but you know while working together for a few years a decade ago I could never imagine that a simple person like him would ever achieve such a stupendous success."

What does it mean?

As simple as: You and everything related to you, are permanently frozen with time at various intervals through out your life journey. Your current status would neither upgrade nor degrade the perception of people -about you - who're associated with you during those periods.

I too experienced it during a painful break-up with a childhood friend, who, to my utter surprise, murmured a long forgotten negative comment about me that he used to deliver, jokingly, a couple of decades ago.

Well, now I know that, that was not done jokingly, otherwise it wouldn't have been alive within him for such a long time.

Since we can't change people's perception about us developed at different point of time through-out our life span, the best option in my opinion is to live it while interacting with them without trying to impose a modification.

Because, that will not work rather strain the relationship.

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