Monday, March 28, 2011

Real Life or Virtual Life, Which is More Fulfilling?

Gap of a week between two posts is something a bit unusual for me. But, it has happened and still I don't feel like writing an elaborate one.

Year-end being a few days away, pressure for making a huge payment - from limited resources - to various agencies is gradually building up and there is no way I can postpone them further.

On the other hand, an increased level of participation on Facebook is making life no better.

Despite not wanting to spend much time on social networking sites I'm getting more and more involved with a few friends on facebook..

The reason, however, is pretty simple. My inability to resist the temptation of interacting with them: A group of highly knowledgeable and sensible personalities from across the globe with whom I could develop an excellent relationship based on mutual admiration.

They never fail to inspire me when I desperately need some motivation; they put in their best efforts to make me smile through humorous comments when I have no reason to, and finally they would never fail to point out the areas of improvement in me when none in real life would bother to do so.

So, Real life or virtual life: Which is more fulfilling?

Frankly speaking, for the first time, I'm confused since I don't see any reason to downgrade the virtual life in comparison with real -- as far as quality of interaction is concerned.

I think, it's not the communication platform that decides the quality of interaction but the nature of friends that we pick up, and I, at this moment of time in life, am more comfortable dealing with my virtual friends!

Please don't misunderstand me for making the above statement. Surrounded by a dozen friends for several years during the best period of my life, I had lived an enviable bachelor-hood -- but, that's past and gone forever.

Let me live in the present: NOW!

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