Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Change Agent: Are You the Right Choice?

The top leadership of every growing company are mesmerized with an idea of bringing on board a magician, who would bring about a much desired cultural change in their organization.

For them, money is not an issue for getting the best available talent. So, they pay hugely, quite often unreasonably, to pull the best reputed change agent in.

Unfortunately, despite highly qualified from premier institutes, also having excellent track records, most of the most sought-after change agents lack basic knowledge of match and mismatch between expectations and reality in all domains pertaining to their operational expertise.

Well, it's not their fault. Because, neither they had learned it in their business school, nor they had the time to go through latest research on it: Behavioral psychology and the lessons from science to manage organizational change successfully.

Better late, than never!

So go through this interesting article, highlighting what you must know before accepting the challenge of bringing about a cultural change in an organization. Because, unless you know how to implement neuroscience concept to change management -- you may be earning a lot until being thrown out, but wasting someone's money for no reason.

Image: Danilo Rizzuti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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