Monday, April 16, 2012

If An Animal Could Defy the Law of Nature, Why Can't You?

Lion hunt- the lion gives chase to zebra, part 4, Serengeti, Tanzania, Africa

When you are down in life, like a prey in the battle field of Masai Mara, with a pride of human lions targeting you for their next meal, don't run away from them but charge against them without fear.

Several episodes that I have watched on 'Animal Planet' channel, depicting some unbelievable real life developments, highlight an amazing beyond-just-survival power that turns the prey into a predator.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you stand no chance against the charge from human predators, stop running away and turn back, face them boldly while awakening all the strengths that you have hidden inside you, and start chasing them away from your path to survival and success.

Believer me or not, but several videos shown on Animal planet have proved that, in a situation like this, the law of nature is overruled: Predators succumb to the survival power of the preys!

If a brave animal could defy the law of nature, and chase the intruders out of her life, why can't you?

The concept of success or failure is embedded into your belief system. If you believe that you deserve to be successful, and work hard in achieving it, all human predators would move out of your path to make your journey a little more comfortable.

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