Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to be Rich and Famous: Protect Your Self-Respect!

What's the key to a huge success in life? If you ask, even a million, this question, there wouldn't be another answer than: Risk taking ability. Right?

Sorry, wrong! It's not the risk taking ability but, more than that, the ability to endure its consequence -- is the key to success.

Didn't get it? Okay, let me explain, briefly. Do all, who take risks and plunge into the river of uncertainty, achieve stupendous success in life?

Not really. Because, most of them fail to keep moving when destiny unleashes the mother of all storms: Uncountable direct hits of insults and torture at their self esteem, forcing them succumb!

So, what's that, that keeps a few remain inspired not to stop and keep moving, through out the storm? Obviously not the risk taking ability, but something much beyond! Right?

Yes, this time. And the ability that doesn't allow those warriors stop moving forward - and accept defeat - is what I call 'Self-respect Protecting Ability.'

Confused? How can a person protect her/his self-respect from external invasion? How is that possible? Well, obviously, it's a difficult job. That's why most of those risk-taking people retire halfway, failing to make it happen in life.

However, it's not impossible, if you know how install an impenetrable shield around the periphery of your self-esteem, bouncing every bullet of insult and torture back to the shooters.

When you do that, and successfully, successfully differentiating between a naked and protected self-respect, you're surely a step away from hitting  the jackpot: Rich and Famous!

Image: graur razvan ionut /

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