Every individual desires to raise a family, and own: House, car and what not. But, when asked about owning a company, may never give a satisfactory answer because it's perceived to be a risky affair! Owing a company, despite being a strong possibility like all other materialistic possessions, is something very few dare attempt.
It appears a distant dream because you think that it's too risky an ambition to pursue. You wish to play it safe in life and continue working for someone else who was like you not so long ago, but broke the mind set, took the risk, worked real hard and finally achieved it.
So, what's that, that's preventing you from winning over the fear of failure? What's that, that's demotivating you from attempting at becoming your own boss?
Well, the major factor could be: You realize that leaving a good job for stepping into the realm of uncertainty is no ordinary man's job, and just can't think of being extra-ordinary. You also know, how difficult it would be for you to convince your family members, because, for them, it's no less than a gambling which may completely ruin your professional life.
I have seen that most of the "aspiring entrepreneurs" normally play it safe by piling enough back-up cash and ensuring that their spouses are working. In fact, they focus more on creating an alternative if things do not work out in favor. However, most of the successful business owners I've come across in life, staying focused, happened to dive into entrepreneurship with only one option in mind: Success!
Yes, an alternative undoubtedly makes you comfortable but distracts your attention from the objective also. The comfort of available alternative, psychologically pushes you down, all the time, silently eroding your determination and confidence, because, you always keep thinking about a possible exit, in case of an impending defeat, even before the fight begins.
The point is: Like Arjuna of the Hindu Epic "Mahabharata;" however, a few set their eye on the target, knowing it very well, that there is no place for a failure in this world and become their own boss.
Frankly speaking, I truly believe that nothing is impossible in this world provided you cultivate an intense desire to make it happen in life. At the same time, I don't underestimate the luck factor. But I also believe that with a right strategy and real hard-work one can make his luck bowing down to his never-give-up attitude, sooner or later.
In my opinion, a few more factors preventing you from embracing the risk associated with getting into entrepreneurship could be: The satisfaction you derive out of your current accomplishments without risking the grand and certain arrival of your pay-check in time, and a huge difference between the results of an economic analysis: "Risk Vs Gain."
No issue. Take your time to introspect, and seriously; asking yourself a simple question: "When I have the capability to make it happen for others, my employer, why don't I make it happen for my-self?
Really a very good article...
All the successful businessmen known to me have left their job, and today highly successful...
Hi Govinda,
Thanks a lot.You are absolutely correct about successful entrepreneurs, and the the unfortunates i have met so far - more than few tens - are equally competent, but failed to excel only because they kept the option to go back to jobs alive - all the time.
Warm regards
Abhijit Kar
Hi Mr abhieet,
Very well said, Its a very practical scenario which you have discussed.
In my case i have left my comforting job just to start something of my own by relying on some business partners, now they have backed out, and i am loosing the hold of my determination.
What to do...? suggest
Same happened with me, when i started in the year 2000.My partner in the Pvt Ltd company we floated with so much of hope, migrated to US just three months after the launch.
Having made my wife the 2nd director in the company,i continued, but it was extremely difficult with a family to look after - Housewife and 2 small daughters.
During that struggling period, i sold out my car in just Rs 5000, as there was no money to buy even households items.
But i didn't give up...because, i decided - not to...
Almost a decade later, history repeated itself with a bigger blow - with current recession - but by now, i have put a foundation in place and navigated successfully with less damages.
Entrepreneurship is the toughest job in the world, otherwise everybody would have got into it, but for a determined professional - who is willing to make to the finishing line - there is always some hope because "Fortune favors the Braves."
Don't give up and accept the defeat because you may not get another opportunity to prove yourself - to yourself.
Great article sir. I think that positive energy and a focused unflinching desire to succeed cannot be underestimated in any walk of life.
I have recently lost my job due to the recession that has hit Ireland in a major way! I am determined to get back into employment and not only that but to get an even more interesting and challenging job than the one I had previously.
The key point that I take from this article is that if you have an end goal in mind then you will reach that with a lot of blood, sweat and tears and an element of making your own luck. This gives me a lot of heart for the coming weeks and months ahead!!!
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