Social Media is God's biggest gift to humanity. It has helped most of the humans on planet earth to address a crowd: their connections, sharing thoughts, ideas and a rainbow of expressions. Being on facebook for more than 4 years, connecting with a wide range of personalities from all over the country and the rest of the world, I also have shared my moments of happiness and sorrows.
Apart from that, on facebook, I could develop a few good friends as well: people, who are like minded and having tremendous social intelligence skills. It has been an amazing learning experience while interacting with them on various issues covering all spectrum of life.
However, I did pick up a few bad experiences as well and, ultimately, had to close down the existing account and open a new one. Let me share with you, what's that painful experience that forced me to close down a 4 years old facebook account and start afresh.
Right from the beginning I used to be upfront while posting updates on facebook, reflecting various shades of my emotions in a given time: both positive and negative. Tell me, have you ever seen a person who is always happy? Isn't all of us, apart from enjoying moments of happiness, have our own share of frustrations?
We do have. After all we are humans with emotions and feelings. And, feelings can never remain positive through-out. There would surely be ups and downs for various reasons. Yes, we must think positively to win over the negativity of life but, how come one can behave like a machine and switch over just one mode: happy, forever?
Practically, it is not possible. However, very rarely people express their negative feelings on social media in view of being branded as a negative person. They keep talking about how positive are they, as id they have never experienced any failure in life. And there where I faltered, trying to be my true-self!
My openness on facebook, through a few frustrating updates, made a few of my virtual friends launch personal attack on me. Some of them didn't even hesitate to point their finger at my personal life.
Then, I realized, painfully, very few are willing cross over the boundary that differentiates between a net worker and a connector. They communicate just as net-workers hiding their true feelings for self and that for others, creating a wall between what they feel and how they express themselves on facebook.
Even though I never exposed my nakedness on facebook, just expressed my feelings pertaining to my failures in professional life, and without drawing any specific reference to anyone, I, in an attempt to be my true self on facebook, made people perceive me as an alien.
When, a few days ago, an otherwise close friend of mine - whom I met on facebook only, and developed a great admiration for his intellects - started commenting offensively against my views on certain life management issues, accusing me of being a skewed thinking personality, I was completely shocked.
If a person of his caliber could interpret my openness in such a negative way, what the hell others must be thinking about me?
Thankfully, like in all domains of life, there is always a sunshine beyond the darkness of night: at least one of my close virtual friends, demonstrating an unbelievable maturity of thoughts and actions, did stand by me, inspiring me all the time, proving beyond doubt that he is not just a net-worker but a connector.
He proved beyond doubt, that a connector is someone who cares for his friends and his intrinsic nature is to build and nurture relationships with love and care; he is born to construct, not destroy; he is a true believer, unlike the hypocrites, in the power of everlasting relationship; he is the ultimate believer in humanity!
So friends, be a true connector, and never get tired of inspiring others when they are down with the impacts of life's negativity inflicted upon them by destiny's torture; never take anyone on face value, but look within their heart and try your best to be the pillars of strength for them; never be a terminator of relationship, but a developer of life-long association based on mutual love and respect.
However, when, for some reasons beyond your control, the association doesn't work out, it's better to terminate it but only after putting in your best efforts for its survival.
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