2 decades ago - while drawing a salary of Rs 4000 pm - talking to near and dear ones over STD from one corner of the country to other, paying @Rs. 60 per minute as full rate, used to demand a flawless execution of just saying 'hello' and 'how are you' to half a dozen anxious relatives and listening to the same from them in just 60 seconds.
A second beyond 60 would have cost another 60 bucks: obviously unaffordable!
The sense of timing was crucial to avoid wasting a second even. So much to say, so little time; still that one minute used to be a great motivational factor for pulling on until making it happen in the month next. Yes, that used to be once in a month only.
Today, even with a 24/7 connectivity, not only with the relatives but also with the rest of the world, I don't feel that excitement any more.
Because, even though technological advances have made the world a global village with instant connectivity, the charm of a gradual excitement building up with every passing day while approaching the next scheduled telephonic discussion have vanished from life.
I don't deny the advantages and the benefits of instant connectivity, but it has certainly pushed us a step closer to being robots: human robots!
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