Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sun Rises in the East -- Chimps too Know about It!

7 years ago we’re retained by a small Indian corporate, willing to pay the recruitment fee which was 50 pct more than the common trend at that time. To start with, Managing Director of the company established a direct communication channel with me, following up vigorously, to ensure successful completion of each and every critical assignments.

Since then we’ve been working hard for his company: Identifying right candidates from target organizations, and successfully pulling them out of their comfort zone. In that process, we must have recruited a few hundred professionals so far, including 4 of the 6 current business heads and more than a dozen of senior level executives.
Let me now share with you the growth story of the company: 1000 pct in seven years -- unbelievable, but true. What made an otherwise small and unknown company to grow so hugely is a big question, but it has a very simple answer: Effective Talent Acquisitions. The story, if highlighted in the right forum with evidential support, would make it qualify for an ideal case study pertaining to effective talent management.

What impressed me most, during that delightful association, was the MD’s remarkable understanding of the importance of talent acquisition, that he, skillfully, translated into reality by launching a massive ‘Executive Search’ program – through us – ultimately transforming the company into one of the largest in its segment today.

Frankly speaking, I’ve not yet come across another initiative of such a huge magnitude. Sadly, leadership in most of the companies I know, are still allergic to direct involvement in talent acquisition and, quite a few, even proudly declare their detachment as professional achievements in terms of successful delegation.

It’s hard to believe that most the corporate leaders are still not aware of - or ignore - its importance. ‘Sun rises in the east,’ is an universal truth and I’m sure the Chimps too know about it. So is effective talent acquisition — key to business success!

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