A decade and half ago, when Uphaar cinema hall was gutted by a devastating fire, an army officer, who got trapped along with his wife and two small children, refused to save himself by escaping through a toilet window and happily embraced death along with his family members.
This story was unfolded by his friend, who accompanied him on that fateful day and saved his life using the same escape route. He said that, if his friend had wanted to escape, he could easily have, but, he refused to leave his family behind and preferred to remain with them till last the moment.
The reason why he did so is simple: we not only live for people who we love and care for, but also, if the situation demands, we don't hesitate to die for them as well. The desire to live for others, we love and care for, is in-built; so is the courage, to die for them.
Despite a pitch dark night of selfishness engulfing our life, of late, in view of a never ending desire to achieve success at any cost, our core values of living a meaningful life are still alive and pulsating with a great enthusiasm. When situation demands, we bravely stand up to face the realities with great courage and selfless actions.
The above story proves that the kindle of humanity and humility is very much alive within us. The above story proves beyond doubt that we always live - and die - for them, who we love and care for. The above story finally proves that we never live for self only.
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