Growth opportunities light up an unrelenting desire in humans to achieve more and more - in terms of money - at any cost, sometimes through unethical practices also. One such incident I witnessed recently, and with utter disbelief!
One of the candidates I have recently recruited at senior level for an MNC client, disappeared the day after joining. Several attempts to contact him through out the day didn't produce any result.
However, when, in the evening, I sent him a SMS threatening to share his foolishness with a few senior professionals from industry, he called up and tried to explain the reason for this funny act.
According to him, during his interviews with my client, he didn't mention about two companies that he had worked for a short period -- neither he wrote about the same in his bio-data. So, when, on the day he joined, his boss casually shared with him an incident of sacking someone for the same reason -- he got scared, and ran away.
But, before that, he contacted his previous employer and convinced them to take him back. However, those people, who had already come know why he was willing to come back, withdrew the offer. In nut-shell, he became jobless.
Lot of professionals, in an attempt to earn more and more, as fast as possible, are going for quick job changes with a substantial salary hike every time.
But, while doing so, they do realize, how are they likely to end up being perceived as job hoppers -- reducing the chances of getting better opportunities in future. So, as a corrective measure, they conveniently delete those short-term stints from their CVs.
I feel bad to notice an increasing number of such incidents happening now, and hope, that, the candidates do realize that their desire to earn more and more - by manipulating their career details - is eventually making them redundant in the job market.
My suggestion to them is: Stop this practice right away and, while being interviewed for the next assignment, never hide any of your career moves from a prospective employer.
Because, it's a small world and the facts wouldn't remain hidden for long. And, When that happens, you will be ruined forever!
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