Sunday, March 11, 2012

Destiny's Torture: When Giving Up Appears Inevitable

Sandip just called up and talked to me for more than an hour. He said, "Abhijit, I have tried my best not to give up. But now, it is the issue of making both the ends meet. I have completely exhausted all my financial resources. I can't pull on, anymore!"

"What does it mean, Sandip?" I asked.

"Abhijit, I'm in a situation where I'm unable to meet my daily expenses, forget the debts." Sandip's voice was hardly audible. "All the deals, which were more than certain to happen, have fallen through."

"I did my best, but nothing is working out and I have a family to look after. How can I do this to them?" Sandip never sounded so depressed, and it seems he has already given up on his dream of winning over the war against mighty destiny.

"Something is wrong, Abhijit. How can I continue the fight in empty stomach and, more than mine, what rights do I have to torture my family members just because I'm so selfish about fulfilling my own dream." Sandip continued.

His statement rendered me speechless. Not knowing, what to say, to console him, and also, how to inspire him continue his struggle, I started wondering how come destiny be so cruel with him.

It's been more than 4 years, that a person is struggling so hard, putting in every effort to change the course of life events and there doesn't seem to be any reward for such an extraordinary effort.

Yes, Sandip is right. One can keep fighting, may be in empty stomach, for a few days, but no sensible person would ever think of keeping his family members without food for making his dream come true.

"Abhijit, I have to look for a job. 3 deals worth a million rupee got cancelled for no reason. Even if, one of them had materialized, I would have made a come back.". Sandip murmured.

I could imagine what Sandip must be going through. On one hand, he doesn't want to give up; on the other hand, he is facing a situation that he might not have thought of in dream even.

Confused, what to say, I told him, "Sandip, keep cool. You are a great fighter, man! Just hold onto it for a few more days. I'm sure things will change."

"You only have told me once, that, hold onto it just for a while when you don't see any reason to do so, because, destination may just be a mile away: an extra mile!" I tried to inspire him, in his own way, hoping that it would make him little comfortable. However, I could clearly sense that he is uable to pull on any more. The end has come. Its just a matter of time before he succumbs to destiny's torture.

Now everything depends on, if, his efforts, that he had invested so far in turning the tide around, produce some results in next couple of days.

"Come on Sandip, cheer up!" I said. "Just wait for few more days. Things will change and obviously in your favor."

"Thanks dear, I too hope so." Saying, Sandip disconnected the call.

Watching this painful developments, unfolding before me, I wonder, are we, the humans, really the puppet on a chain in the hands of destiny?

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