Monday, March 19, 2012

Revenge Should Never be Bitter!

Revenge, sounds so negative and bitter!

Isn't it?

But, for some, it remains the only way to avenge the injustice done. However, revenge, through initiating some destructive actions, can never be justified from any angle.

If you really wish to take revenge, focus on constructive steps of avenging the injustice meted out to you and only through making the other person realize her/his mistakes.

Take revenge, and you must, but never do it destructively. Destruction can't produce the desired result, neither it will make you feel better even though it may appear so -- apparently.

Take revenge, and you must, but only by making the other person realize that he was wrong -- through your achievements, and accomplishments.

If you wish to take revenge, against some one, for whatever he has done to you, never do it by destroying the relationship but focusing more on improving it

Revenge should never be bitter.

Try your best!

However, if, even then, it doesn't work out, keep cool and silently move away from that relationship. That would, perhaps, be the most powerful revenge in terms of depriving the other person of a wonderful association.

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