Saturday, March 24, 2012

Learn to Look, down below the Surface!

When I first met him, he behaved quite differently. In fact, he misbehaved.

However, after a few interactions and extended conversations, he told me: "Abhijit, how could I behave so stupidly with you, when we met first?"

What I replied back, is private. But, the wisdom that I wish to share with you is: Never judge a person by his professional background, or by his look.

Invest a few minutes, to understand what he actually is -- before forming an opinion about him, and responding.

Never take anything on face value, because the face itself is quite deceiving and a lot of things never come out on the surface.

Learn to look down below the surface before you react, if you are serious about making and maintaining everlasting relationship with people who can help you make it happen in life.

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