Sunday, March 18, 2012

Social Intelliegence Skills And Knowledge Make You Lucky

There is no scientific way to increase your chances of being lucky in life. However, I think, luck is mostly about sensing every opportunity that crosses your path and taking an appropriate action to en-cash it to the best of your advantage.

Simply working hard may not be sufficient but knowing, when and where to focus most.

Some of the lucky people I know are excellent relationship builder and, through their connections, they always manage to obtain useful information much ahead of others. But the next, and deciding, step is to convert those opportunities into some kind of gains through hard work and application of relevant knowledge.

In the race of life, luck is not only about getting an opportunity but also about individual's ability to convert it into some tangible benefits through passion and dedication.

So, acquiring new skills in your preferred domain of expertise certainly improve your chances of being lucky in extracting the best results out of an opportunity.

Hence, being lucky, in my opinion, is, not about luck itself, but about being a likable person along with a passion for learning the basics and advances of your functional domain, with an ability to apply those knowledge - through relentless efforts - when opportunity knocks at your doors.

If you have very good social intelligence skills, and you are a man of action, there is no reason why shouldn't luck be your constant companion.

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