Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Last Nail in the Coffin of HR!

My Boy Builds Coffins Track 10

It took me more than an hour to decide about the heading of this post. Having decided, at last, I'm sure, there couldn't have been a more revealing one.

Today, I noticed, and sadly, the ultimate demise of a function called Human Resource Development.

Let me tell you, how and why:

A few days ago, during preliminary interview, one of my candidates for a senior position with an MNC got approved by both Director-in-Charge of the division and the HR Head.

The coordinator, from HR, an extremely lively personality, called me up to arrange for the final meeting of that candidate with the MD of the company. He also collected candidate's salary details from me, indicating that they have already made up their mind to pick him up.

The meeting got scheduled, today: initially at 10-30 AM, later got postponed to 1-30 PM. Surprisingly, again, it got deferred to 4-30 PM. The candidate, like a chicken to be hacked to death but unaware of the timing of his demise from this cruel world, ultimately reached the venue at 3-30 PM.

He waited for 4 hours, but in vein.

The Managing Director of the company, for whatever reasons, decided, not to meet the candidate. And ultimately, the poor HR coordinator had no other option but to convince the candidate that his MD was really busy and had no time to meet him despite having a prior appointment.

Well, the candidate, being a good soul, got convinced, without bothering for such unprofessional approach -- and went back, despite losing a whole day for no reason.

However, I, a helpless Recruiter, had no reason to convince myself about justifying such an unprofessional act by the top leadership of this European MNC.

The question that comes to mind is, if the candidate was not the right choice - even though approved by the functional head and also by HR - wasn't there a professional way to express it than making him wait for several hours and then sent him back.

The question that comes to my mind is, how can the MD of an MNC be worth his job when he is so weak in social intelligence skills?

The question that comes to my mind is, how can there be such a huge gap in communication between the HR and the MD that the issues are to be sorted out at the last moment?

And finally, the question that comes to my mind is, is HR a function that exist just for the sake of it or it really has some role in helping the organization grow in real sense?

Well, down to earth truth, accept or not, particularly keeping in view the whimsical behavior of this CEO, and may be many more, is, that, HR as a function doesn't appear to have any relevance except dancing in tune with the music of top management.

It may sound quite offending, but the truth, as stands out, and as already agreed upon by many HR friends during my discussions with them in last couple of hours, is, that most of the HR professionals are completely frustrated for the reasons cited above!

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