Thursday, December 30, 2010
Mom, I'm Coming Home, Soon
At last I'm travelling to Guwahati - day after - where my ailing mother is counting her days, comforted by Dad - who's 84 years old, but active - and 3 brothers with their family members.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Make your Life Worth Living!
Don't curse yourself for where you stand today - neither blame others - because, you only have choosen to be there, where you are -- consciously!
Friday, December 24, 2010
The U-bend of Life: Death of Ambition, Birth of Acceptance!
An Amazing and well-researched post at 'The Economist,' clearly revealing, how, while growing old, we let our ambitions die a peaceful death filling up the void with a growing sense of acceptance, highlights:
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Don't Tell Me: You Are Successful, Because You Deserve It
Fortunately, most of you haven't touched the bottom of life, and I wish you never. Because, unlike surface, bottom is suffocating and very few can successfully comeback to the surface -- intact!
Trust me: It's easy to talk and quote all those inspiring stuffs from books, but it's equally difficult to live through difficult times, in reality.
The definition and also the interpretation of success, in life, is so simple, yet, so difficult: Making things happen. But, how many of you achieve it, truly? Very few!
Don't tell me that people achieve success just because they deserve it. In fact, most of them are there, where they are, today, because they're destined to be. However, they are superficially successful.
Because, for moving beyond that, towards something extraordinary, what you need is the support of a rare combination of genetic and upbringing quality.
If you have it, thank your parents and move ahead of others; if not, try to make it up and keep moving. But, never, ever, forget that if you are hugely successful today -- it's your parents who laid the foundation.
So, if you are an extra-ordinarily successful person don't think only you deserve the credit, because more than you -- it's your parents who deserve it!
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Rise And Fall of Nira Radia
Despite being the most preferred public relation lobbyist of the Indian Industrialists for more than a decade, I have never head of Nira Radia until the hell broke loose a month ago.
A Bridge Too Far?
In Business, or in job, or in family matters, your inner-circle members are counting heavily on you for navigating them safely through life uncertainties to a stable zone. Well, that's a continuous and never ending process!
One hand, you work hard to live up-to your own expectations of achieving success in professional life, and on the other hand, as head of the family, you put in your best efforts to live up-to the expectations of your family members -- continuing to be a never-ending source of inspiration.
Negotiating through tens of complex issues, at a time, pulling you in different directions, you focus on delivering the best with maximum efforts in minimum time. In fact, you leave no stone unturned to hit your targets.
Gradually, you stop bothering about your own-self and start living for others - happily - channelizing all your resources - internal and external - in one direction: Your family members, friends and even colleagues, until a sudden disaster - either in business, or in career, or in your personal life - shatters you economical and/or emotional stability that you have earned through dedicated hard-work and selfless commitment.
And then you realize, the bridge connecting your life track to the wonderland of success is far away! A bridge too far!
Obviously, many of us, in such situation, decide to give-up accepting defeat but a few start it all over again - ultimately making it happen.
Never forget: Success may be a destination too far, but reachable if you decide -- not to give up.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Please, Let Me Be My True-self!
I thought people love me for being what I am: Being humorous; being down-to-earth and for my good intentions.
But I was wrong, because people never loved me for being my true-self. They loved me for being what I projected to them -- falsely!
There exists a community in India that teaches its members to talk sweet irrespective of whatever lies inside heart, and history confirms that they are the most successful business community.
In my professional life also, one of the most successful bosses - who incidentally belong that community - taught me to be extremely decent on surface while hiding my real feelings.
Hypocrisy, no doubt, but it paid off exceedingly well during my association with him in that job. Political, no doubt, but my colleagues took it on face value contributing to my career success there.
But I never liked it, then, and don't, even now, because I believe that a strong building rests only on the foundation of genuineness.
So, let people think and do what they wish to; I would remain what I truly stand for: Good or bad, whatever, but my true-self.
Yes, let me be my true-self while dealing with the world -- irrespective of the consequences, whatsoever!
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Friday, December 10, 2010
Facts of Life, You Can't Deny!
But she, now terminally ill, is living a lonely life in her native place along with her 85 years old caring husband -- as none of her children can either relocate there nor take her to their home for reasons known to them only!
Another lady, who never bothered to educate her children beyond her means, is now passing through the last phase of life surrounded by sons - settled with mediocre jobs there - and grandchildren.
Looking at these two extreme examples of parenting, I'm a bit confused: Who was right?
Was the first lady - who sacrificed everything that she could to ensure the best education for her children - did justice to her role of an ideal parent (facing the consequences too), or the second lady who focused more - may be manipulatively - on ensuring that her children remain with her during old age?
Now, tell me frankly, given a choice: Who would be your role model? Don't pretend to be an idealist while answering this question, but spill out your true feeling.
My comment: We do our best to ensure the best education for our children even at the cost of our own survival, but some of us are selfish and manipulative! Look around, and I'm sure you notice that the world is full of them.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Turn Intentional 'Act of Neglect' Into Performance Booster
Never neglect the act of neglect, by others, rather identify what made them ignore you and focus on improving over those weaknesses.
I experienced it a few times in my life and for some unknown reasons every time I tried my best to convert them into opportunity.
First time it happened when I was was in class XI. One of the seniors, who happened to be the College champion, refused to play 'Table Tennis' with me because he felt - I being new in this game - it would be a wastage of time for him and told me to handover the bat to another player.
As usual, students in the surrounding started laughing. I felt deeply hurt, even cried behind the closed doors after returning home.
Well, what followed next, is what I keep reminding myself -- motivating every bits of my soul whenever darkness engulfs my life and I feel hopeless.
I left no stone un-turned to master the game of Table Tennis, and in the next session I beat the same person in the final - then current champion - to become the new champion.
What made me act in that way, was not known to me at that time - not even now - but I assume, it was an intense desire to show myself - and also to others - that 'I can do it.' Yes, 'I can make things happen.'
The act of neglect perhaps inspired me to awaken the hidden and underutilized strength - that all us have - and I went all out to achieve the impossible.
What I, an ordinary person, could do, I'm sure all of you are much more capable of doing -- if only, you take the act of neglect as a challenge to your existence!
So, whenever someone neglects you, you must feel bad about it but positively, and go all out to prove in due course of time, that, he was right, then -- but, not anymore.
Fortunately, it's happening again, on a much bigger scale, and I'm putting my best efforts into proving: That, still, I can make things happen!
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Recruiters Are Not Super Humans!
Someone told me the other day that most of the recruiters don't bother to respond to the candidates' call, or even return them later.
Come on, how is this possible, if you are a hot candidate matching a few openings in their priority list? After all, candidates are recruiter's bread and butter -- although money comes from the clients only. Am I right?
Do you know, how difficult it is for a recruiter to get in touch with the decision makers in corporate jungle -- as most them always seem to be occupied with a series of never-ending meetings? May be, it reflects in recruiters' behavior during candidate management, but subconsciously.
Also, a unique combination of the Clients' deadlines coupled with their own monthly targets make the recruiters dance on their toes, when getting the right candidates is no less amazing than finding a needle in the hay.
However, recruiters too are humans with natural feelings. So, if you're able to prove yourself an interesting and resourceful candidate I don't see any reason they shouldn't respond.
I think, it's nothing but about establishing a strong connectivity with the recruiters, and the candidates who fail to understand this simple fact would continue calling them without any response.
I have more than a thousand contact numbers of such candidates on my mobile phone and never fail to respond whenever they call me up.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Embrace Pains, If You Wish to Become the King of Destiny
If destiny has put you along the line of bullets, you must thank God for being so kind and look at it as an opportunity to prove yourself.
The journey from ordinary-ship to the realm of being extra-ordinary is like walking through a battle-field without arms and ammunition to defend yourself against a continuous spray of bullets from all directions -- including, a few from your own people!
Yes, it's Very difficult to survive a situation like this but not impossible, if you toughen your skin to such an extent that no bullet can ever penetrate it.
By bullets I mean extreme pains and agonies; by skin I mean emotional state of mind and by battle-field I mean the road 'from beginning to end' of life.
Some work hard to create a situation like this so that they can fight it out to make things happen in life, and a fortunate few are forced to embrace it. Whichever category you belong to, once in, never give up, until you reach the intended destination.
But how do you go about it?
Well, do lots of self-talking inspiring your own-self: "Yes, I can do it," and read success stories of people who fought against all odds to achieve the impossibles. I'm sure, you will develop a strong determination that would help you tide over even the mother of all difficulties -- eventually hitting the shore of success.
Most of us are born ordinary, but a few make it happen in life to become extraordinary before leaving this world, forever. They cease to exist, but leave behind the legacy of successful struggle -- inspiring generations to come.
You too, may become one of them, if you decide to. But, for that, you have to embrace extreme pains and agonies. The risk is huge, but the rewards even sweeter! May be a gambling, but worth taking the risk if you're confident.
Remember, you can become the King of destiny if you have the ability to embrace the pains with a smiling face.
Thanks Kathakali Chaterjee on Facebook for theme of this post.
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Friday, December 3, 2010
What Doesn't Matter, Yet Matters!
Who you're doesn't matter. What matters most, unfortunately, is your desire to live a resourceful - if not meaningful - life.
That's how all of you live the life, but at some point of time your self-respect prevail over those wrong intentions and you fail to remain dishonest to yourself!
However, you work hard to win it over and start living, not your genuine intentions but your ability to justify inaction for the right purpose.
Finally, you reach the success summit but without achieving the feat!
Meaningless, is that success, but can you take another route to make it meaningful?
Perhaps you can, if you wish so. Give it a thought and let me know: How to?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
From A Recruiter: Is Asking For Interview Feedback A Crime?
Recently I organized interview of a candidate for a director level position with one of our clients. Meeting was with CEO of the company, and was scheduled in a very short notice.
CEO was attending a program in candidate's city and wanted to meet him during lunch-break. However, candidate, being from the same industry, was not comfortable with the idea, fearing about the possibility of bumping into a few known persons there.
Well, I had to stretch my persuasion skills to a great extent and finally it happened as scheduled.
Within a couple of minutes after the meeting was over, candidate called me up and gave his feedback . I was happy to notice his professionalism and decided to find out other side of the story. So, I sent a sms to the CEO, followed by a email when I didn't receive any response from him.
After a day, when I emailed him again, asking for feedback, he replied with an underlying tone of annoyance for so persistently following up with him, writing : "I need this position filled up more than you and will give you the feedback at the right time, so don't follow-up so persistently."
Slightly taken aback by his reply, I, however,quickly recovered and mailed back: "We work hard to identify the right candidates for our clients and a single line communication - which may not even take a minute - motivates us enough to deliver the best, and also complete the communication cycle"
Now the question is: Was I wrong in asking for a feedback?
I don't know that but one thing is for sure, there was a great mismatch between our expectation level from each other.
Well, an in-depth introspection led to some sort of conclusions:
Most of my clients are MNCs and very fast in completing information cycle. May be, I expected a similar response from him. However, he, being an orthodox CEO, brought up in a typical bureaucratic Indian corporate environment, perhaps never experienced a 'breathing down the neck' kind of follow-up and got irritated for genuine reasons (from his point of view).
It was a good learning experience for me: That I, as an entrepreneur, must assess, act, and react according to client's psychology. After all, my job is to keep them happy for maintaining a long term business association.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Price You Pay, For Not Being What You Were!
What keeps us moving in life? Hope, hope for a better future for self and for people we love and care for. Isn't it?
But, there is price for everything. I heard about it but never believed in, until I paid the price myself.
Yes, I paid the price for not being what I was: I paid the price for being successful in life, I paid the price for moving up the ladder in profession, and I paid the price for being what I'm today.
You can't change your past nor you're responsible for your present, but if there exist a huge difference between the both - you've no option, but to pay a price.
Success brings about a upwardly change in lifestyle and what is natural for you at this moment may appear to be an intended demonstration of your current status.
It happened with me also. Unfortunately, I never realized it until the last moment. When I did, it was over, forever.
Comparison is inevitable. Because, that's in built in humans and has been proved scientifically also.
I wonder, when I - a person, who hardly achieved anything in life - suffered so much, what must have been happening to those so called pillars of the society who came a long way struggling against the odds to be there where they are now.
That's why, perhaps, there is a proverb which says: The successful are always lonely!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
An Inspiring Tale of Achieving the Impossibles
“To achieve the impossible; it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought.” #Tom Robbins
The news that make headlines are, either sensational, or something that inspire a lot.
One such post I recently read, is about 3 young boys aged less than 16 years who spent more than 50 days on a small boat drifting in the ocean, and remember: Without food and water. What made them survive such extreme adversity is definitely worth a serious thought.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Who the Hell, Introduced Contingency Hiring Concept?
Tell me about a single business, other than contingency recruitment, where you work hard and depending upon a huge luck factor only, paid later -- often never?
Oh, yaa, there is another, pretty close, where service providers fight hard to satisfy customers and get paid, later. You know, what I mean. However, in this business, unlike contingency recruitment, the payment is assured.
Sometime, I wonder, who the hell started this concept of contingency recruitment where recruiters work madly against no assured rewards.
Look at the funniest part of this game: Same task is given to at least half a dozen agencies, and that reminds of the scenes I watch on 'Animal Planet' where predators fight it out for their share of a kill! Well, there too, most of them manage to get hold of something at least.
Now, don't console me saying, it's like sports where you work hard for winning a medal but without firm assurance.
Sorry, it's business, and in business it pains seeing your hard work generating no revenues unless you reach the destination through a host of uncertainties.
The trauma doesn't end with placing the candidate because you need to ensure that she/he doesn't leave your client within a specified time frame, otherwise you pay your fees back to your client. It's fine if you have received some interim reward, but that never happens.
So, a contingency recruiter keeps trying unless an ova is fertilized and wait patiently for a healthy baby emerging out of the womb of uncertainty.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Do Mobile Phones Cause Brain Damage ?
During a summer holiday trip to my native place, a year ago, a medical representative turned up to demonstrate the extent of damage mobile phone causes to our brain.
It was not an exciting topic during a hard earned holiday - which happens once in a year with great difficulties - but, out of courtesy I allowed him to continue with a specific request to finish it quickly.
His preliminary lecture was quite scary: Explaining in details how electromagnetic radiations - microwave - emitted from cell-phone virtually fries our brain
But, when he insisted on demonstrating actual frying process with the help a egg placed in a glass filled with water and a cell phone kept near it in working condition, I couldn't bear it any more and very politely asked him to leave us alone.
Well, I didn't want to spoil my holiday but at the same time this incident cast some doubt in my mind and a detailed study followed later. Surprisingly, I couldn't find any investigation report with conclusive scientific evidence that mobile phone poses any health threat, although a few were strongly suggestive in nature -- in favor.
On the other hand, some of the investigation results I found on internet were contradicting the above mentioned claims. Confused with claims and counter-claims, I left it there and re-captured my holiday mood.
After a long time, I recollected that incident while noticing the findings of a new Scandinavian study indicating that cell-phone usage don't lead to an increased risk of brain cancer.
It was an encouraging news for me, because cellphone is an integral part of my life now and it's really difficult to manage things without it.
What Makes Us Interesting to Others?
My wife went on a laughing spree when I shared with her that a few people I had recently interacted were kind enough to call me an interesting person. Least expected though, but highly motivating for someone who's struggling hard for basic survival. Isn't it?
However, knowing the fact that I've never been called an interesting personality before neither I ever believed me to be so, how, suddenly, I turned out to be one? Good question that certainly deserves an appropriate answer!
I'm sure, it has something to do with the quality of conversation that I had with them? May be they noticed a caring voice, or may be something I said that they could easily connect to. But the fact is: A positive attitude was noticed, and appreciated.
If so, then how come, all of a sudden, I turned out to be so caring? What's that, that brought about this sudden change in me: An infamously arrogant person?
The answer is: A series of unexpected failures that completely ripped apart my arrogance, making me realize that there's nothing special about me and I'm an ordinary person like a few billions all over the world. A life changing experience.
My suggestions to all highly successful professionals would be: Be grouted to the earth irrespective of your degree of achievements so far and treat others with respect, if you really don't want to experience the pains that I had and remain interesting to others through-out your life!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Why A Feeling of Emptiness, Despite Having Everything in Life?
This is the question, a reader asked Cary Tennis in 'Since You Asked' column on 'Saloon,' clearly demonstrating a sense of emptiness despite having everything that a normal person can think of for living a comfortable life.
"Dear Cary, I have it all. Life has been good. Though by no means rich, I have money in the bank, a solid marriage and prospects for a comfortable future.But I am happier when I have less.Well, how our eternal quest for something better that we assume would bring happiness into our life, actually mislead us -- has been explained by Cary and you may read it HERE
This life has numbed me into not feeling happiness. I have everything, and instead of being happy, I feel like a glutton. Most people would trade their life for mine in a minute. I have, it seems, done everything the right way -- or at least had timing on my side."
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
For How Long, I Would be Able to Continue Fighting Against Destiny?
It started a couple of years ago and still continuing. Never before, in life, I have experienced so much of hardship.
Business is just not picking up and despite taking all corrective actions, nothing is moving in the right direction.
I even vacated the office space, thinking, there could be some correlation between my destiny and that place since the down slide started only after shifting there.
May be, I'm getting a bit superstitious, but, in a situation where I am, looking at every possibility that might have contributed to this unimaginable losses makes sense.
Well, I will not give up and put in my best efforts for turning the tide around. But, for how long I'd be able to continue fighting against destiny?
Republished with permission from "Kushiara"
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We Are A Set of Multiple Personalities, Frozen With Time At Various Life Intervals
The other day, while talking to a professional connection, I happily shared with him about a common friend who has made it hugely in life and appeared to be far ahead of contemporaries as far materialistic success is concerned.
'OMG,' was the reaction and then he said, "Nice to hear about his success, but you know while working together for a few years a decade ago I could never imagine that a simple person like him would ever achieve such a stupendous success."
What does it mean?
As simple as: You and everything related to you, are permanently frozen with time at various intervals through out your life journey. Your current status would neither upgrade nor degrade the perception of people -about you - who're associated with you during those periods.
I too experienced it during a painful break-up with a childhood friend, who, to my utter surprise, murmured a long forgotten negative comment about me that he used to deliver, jokingly, a couple of decades ago.
Well, now I know that, that was not done jokingly, otherwise it wouldn't have been alive within him for such a long time.
Since we can't change people's perception about us developed at different point of time through-out our life span, the best option in my opinion is to live it while interacting with them without trying to impose a modification.
Because, that will not work rather strain the relationship.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Control Your Expectations Without Affecting the Actions
The act of silence is more damaging than actual violence, and in a situation where a response is justified the lack of it inflicts a sense of loss and despair among probable recipients depending upon expectations level.
In professional life, a simple example could be: You wrote a mail to the CEO of a client organization, whom you know for several years and perceive as close to you, indicating a few problems that you're facing - down the level - with a hope that he would sort them out. However, your mail got lost into the darkness of silence and you never received a reply. That means, he didn't feel it worth sending you an acknowledgment even -- forget about acting on its contents.
Can you really blame him for this stunning silence? Not necessarily. Because, had your message been perceived by him as an important task he would have definitely replied. You can't blame him for not considering you or your expectation as important as you think he should have. Right?
I think in every relationship, professional or personal, there exists a difference between both 'what we expect from' and 'reciprocate to' each other in terms of satisfying our materialistic and emotional needs.
Always remember, depth of relationship is like two sides of the same coin: One, that's yours and that you can control; the other, you can't and it keeps changing hugely in either direction without your knowledge.
The best way to make your life little better, is to control your expectations; however, never let it control your actions. Keep trying, but be ready to face and accept even the wildest response without feeling bad about it. I've learned it the hard way and I'm sure, anybody can.
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Saturday, November 13, 2010
Can We Really Bury Our Expectation for A Reciprocation ?
Long ago, someone approached me through a corporate connection, saying, he was without a job and desperately looking for a break in corporate India.
His story of struggle made such an impact on my emotional ecosystem that I went out of the way to place him in an organization, free-of-charge, in that process incurring a huge loss of few hundred thousand.
Nothing prevailed over my value system except one objective: Fix his life path. Frankly speaking, I didn't do it with an expectation that when time comes he would return my favor, because I never thought that I could ever be in a similar situation.
He got the assignment and I felt happy, as if I've done a great job. Yes, there was a sense of accomplishment. Well, friends did remind me to use my brain more, than heart, while carrying out business deals.
A decade later, when I needed some help that he could have easily extended by virtue of his current stature, a call and subsequent discussion was followed by a stunning silence from him.
Was I wrong in my expectation from him, or that's how the world keeps revolving?
It's not an unusual story, with most of us having gone through similar situations in life at some point of time, but the question is: Can we really bury our expectations for a reciprocation, practically?
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Friday, November 5, 2010
What Governs Our Ability to Accept the Failures and React Positively?
It's not failures but our in-ability to accept the same and stride it over, is what makes our life miserable.
'Failure is the pillar of success,' has been bombarded into our amygdala from all possible learning centers of life. However, facing it point blank and living it, is one of the most daunting tasks human can ever think of.
Most of the people who have the guts to accepts their own failures eventually give up in course of time; however, a few adamant, not only accept but embrace it -- and finally come out victorious.
It's not an easy task, since, subconsciously fighting against the influence of evolution governed self-defense mechanism, not many have the emotional strength to accept and react against their own shortcomings.
So what's that factor, that fuels a never dying fighting spirits in individuals?
Well, in my opinion, it's nothing but the quality of upbringing which influences our ability to fight against all odds of life -- and the credit goes to our parents.
Do you agree with me?
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Thursday, November 4, 2010
Is Knowledge, Always A Blessing?
More we gain knowledge, more we learn, and are able to differentiate between hope and ground realities.
Looking at the positive aspect, knowledge makes us understand a little more about an issue helping us resolve it better.
However, sometime , knowledge painfully makes us realize how useless is the hope that we believe in, would change our life for better.
I don't know, if it's better to live with a false hope that keeps us moving or, know and try to accept accept what's impossible to resolve -- and live it, somehow!
Is knowledge always a blessing in disguise, or sometime: A disguise in blessing!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Angel Who Saved My Life!
With no money to pull on beyond a week, the only option I had, was to put best efforts in getting a long-awaited refund of half a million from the Income Tax department.
The concerned official happened to be a young lady in her early thirties. I met her for a minute and explained my situation -- more through body language than any verbal communication.
She could sense my desperation and put all her senior officers on the job, instantly -- something unusual in a government run set-up.
Finally, the problem, that was lingering for more than a year got sorted out in hours. Surely, it wouldn't have been possible without her extra-ordinary intervention.
I'd always pray to God for her well-being, because she saved a life: Mine!
Thanks a lot my dear angel!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Could Personality Test be Used as A Lethal Weapon to Destroy Good Recruitment!
You work hard to identify a relevant candidate from hundreds and convince him to look for a change; recommend him to your client for a detailed interview and he comes out in flying colors; and finally, Managing Director of the company meets and approves him for an offer. However, the result of a psychometric test, that he takes later, projects him to be a mismatch for the job under consideration and all your efforts go waste.
Yes, the 'you' that I mentioned above, is 'me.' It has happened with me, recently, and not once but a few times. I don't know, if my strained relationship with HR director of the company - may be because the MD of the company doesn't hesitate to call me whenever there is a critical position to be filled up on priority - has a decisive influence in deflecting the outcome but, something was wrong!
Well, there seems to be a major concern in intellectual circle over the relevance of psychometric tests in decision making as far as recruitment is concerned, as evident from the following analysis:
"It is important to understand that testing on its own should never be the soleAlso, the comments by participants in a linkedin discussion reveal how concerned but divided, professionals are, over the usefulness of psychometric tests in recruitment.
tool in selection decisions. There is any amount of research material and
validation studies that provide information on the predictive validity of various
means of selecting staff. Recent findings provide quite an optimistic picture of the value of the interview and rigorous reference checking as a highly valid method of selection." Click here to download and read this interesting analysis.
Digging further, I recently conducted a survey to find out what our HR folks think about its usefulness and surprisingly 90% of them ruled out its importance in final decision making, specifying clearly, that it may only be used as an additional tool to gain some foresight into candidates' personality -- nothing more!
All of them clearly opined that psychometric test, is, no doubt, an important predictive tool, but a wrong use may even put the organization in jeopardy in terms of picking up a basket-full of non-performers over a period of time.
So, personality test may be misused as a lethal weapon to destroy good recruitment and also the organization, if, there's some one committed to...
What do you say?
Do you think psychometric test as a decisive tool in recruitment is contextually valid, or an obscure manifestation of inflated intellectualism promoted by people with vested interests -- purely for business ( or individual ) gains?
Update: 20th Oct 2010
1. According to Businessballs: In most respects psychometrics tests and personality models are aids to personal development and to helping people understand more about themselves. They are not to be used a single basis for recruitment or career decisions.
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Abraham Maslow and Self Actualization!
Maslow argued: Humans intuitively have a natural drive to become the best possible persons in terms of both physical and mental health, including a high level of spiritual achievement.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Recruiters' Nightmare: Talent Crunch at Its Peak, in India!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
How to Edit Blogs from Smartphone Via Mobile Browser, and Completely Forget the Computer!
The exponential growth of mobile technology is allowing smart-phone users to carry out most of the internet related tasks on their device itself, with no need to remain dependent on the availability of either a desktop or a laptop.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Social Intelligence, One of the Most Desirable Leadership Traits
The company was not in good shape, making huge losses, and the owner paid hefty compensation to get the best available talent for reviving the lost glory.
Having worked with one of the largest system driven organizations of that time, for many years, I was suddenly at loss of enthusiasm and initiatives on the very first day.
Although I was told about the background and also the current state of affairs, living with it even for few hours happened to be a different kind of experience. Only news worth mentioning was: My new boss would be joining the next day.
Well, he came; mingled freely with all of us; and in a few days became extremely popular. In less than 3 years he turned around the company from a blacklisted entity to a self certified vendor supplying precision engineering products to a galaxy of public and private sector organizations.
I followed him blindly, rather he made me follow him blindly, which I did not realize at that point of time because his ability to inspire and motivate people was remarkable.
Entire team worked round the clock, happily, embedding in mind a single objective of reviving the lost glory of the company in terms of reputation as well as profitability.
He successfully removed all other priorities of life from our mind channelizing our strengths in one direction and, finally achieving the objective.
What made him such a good leader, is a million dollar question!
I think it's his 'Social Intelligence' skills, exhibiting empathy and becoming attuned to our moods literally integrating his own brain chemistry with that of ours, his followers. He actually removed the "Fear of Failure" from our mind....
Apart from professional issues we could confide in him about personal matters also, taking his guidance time and again and in that process made him an integral part of our life.
It was a unique biological synchronization or brain interconnectedness through which he guided us to develop a genuine interest in the purpose, fostering positive feelings in us.
Well, a recent discovery of mirror neurons in widely dispersed areas of human brain confirms above connectivity, that help us detect, consciously or subconsciously, someone else’s emotions through their actions and our mirror neurons reproducing those emotions. Collectively, these neurons create an instant sense of shared experience: Mirror image!
Perhaps, because of those mirror neurons' intervention we minutely observed and followed his actions moving seamlessly towards the goal -- no longer his, but ours too.
That's why, I strongly believe that 'Social Intelligence' is one of the most desirable leadership traits.
What's your take? Pl, share!
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Always Remember You're Already Perfect
Try saying that to yourself, as corny as that might sound, just to see if it sounds true. Does it resonate as something you already believe (in which case, you can probably stop reading now), or does it not feel right? Do you feel like there are things you still need to improve?
Read full article at you’re already perfect | zen habits:
Monday, September 27, 2010
Should Talent Sourcing be Attached to Corporate Sourcing Function?
It's a wild thought, but based on some logic: Why is Talent Sourcing - or recruitment - a part of Human Resource Development function, when, the process demands more of sourcing expertise and less of people development skills.
Friday, September 24, 2010
An Enlightened Experience of Meeting A Great Leader
For several decades we've been talking a lot about customer delight, and with both 'Marketing Generals' and 'Scholars' from all over the world re-inventing the concept - several times - to ensure that every dealing leaves a permanent impression in consumers' mind, don't you think the same may apply to enlightening every contributors - internal or external - in human resource value-chain also?
This thought came my mind immediately after attending a meeting with one of the top ten HR professionals in India, who has grown much beyond the domain 'HR" and currently holding several other key responsibilities - in addition to HR - in India's one of the biggest and most admired companies.
"Face is the index of mind; so is HR for the organization," said a HR stalwart a couple of years ago, but what it actually means I experienced while meeting this great leader: Right from preparing the gate-pass even before I entered the premises; followed by security personnel meting out a huge welcome and handing me over to a cab driver for taking me to the destination, and he, finally, escorting me to meeting spot and introducing to the meeting coordinator ( Personal Secretary) - everything happened so smoothly, and quickly.
The coordinator, adding a silver lining to an already unbelievable welcome procedure, escorted me to a conference room making me comfortable to the extent that I've not experienced for a long time. A few minutes later I was with him, seeing him after a decade.
After exchanging initial pleasantries and remembering the old days we got into a formal discussion about his initial days in the organization, and then it quickly turned into an informal thought sharing platform with him explaining: How he fought against all adversities to change company culture and eventually transformed the company into what, that I experienced.
A down-to-earth personality and gifted with crystal clear thought processes, he never let me realize - during the course of discussion - the huge difference that exists between his stature and of mine.
He proved beyond doubt: True leadership is beyond the scope of all those hypothesis we keep reading -- actually it's about genuinely valuing and respecting the humans, in every form and stature.
Remembering this interaction which kept me spell-bound for several hours after the meeting was over, my thought process continued evolving: Isn't it high time to replace the word 'Development' in 'Human Resource Development' with 'Enlightenment.'
Don't tell me it sounds funny, or a bit off the track, because, it isn't. After all, the ultimate objective of any development is to create enlightenment!
Update: He meets every requirements of effective leadership identified by Dr. Warren Bennis,
"What does it take to be an effective leader today? The essence of leadership is still character. The essence of character is integrity, passion, curiosity, daring and a guiding vision, without which a leader doesn't know what he wants to do or where he wants to go. Unlike the old command-and- control style, those who want to be leaders in the 21st century will have to be highly flexible and have a broad range of skills. In order to lead and keep great people, leaders must be articulate, energetic and empowering. They must be willing to inspire a collaborative approach that lets them tap into the endless source of ideas, innovation, know-how and knowledge of the people they lead. Read more at Leader Values
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
When You Have None To Talk!
You're sitting in remote corner of a crowded place desperately wanting to talk to someone over phone.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I Was A Failure, So I'm Confident of Success Now!
Your work is to discover your world, and then with all your heart give yourself to it. #The Buddha
"I was a failure; I'd destroyed a similar venture in recent past. But now I know: Why and how it happened and also, what should have been done to avoid it," said an entrepreneur during his presentation to the management committee of a large corporate - competing against a dozen big firms - staking a claim for handling a prestigious project.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Let's Accept Both Success And Failures, Gracefully!

We hope, a lot, against all hopes that everything would be alright — one day. And it starts happening also, may be slowly but with all positive indications until one fine morning, when the mirage disappears suddenly and we realize that we’ve not really moved ahead — still confined to the same black hole of hopelessness.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Leadership vs Myelin: Are All of Us Born with Myelin sheath of Same Thickness?
Sangeeth Varghese's analysis of the 'Physiology of Leadership' in the light of Daniel Coyle's book "The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How," is interesting.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Eternal Debate: Money Vs Happiness
The findings of a recent survey that, money can buy you happiness but up-to a certain point only, is, not surprisingly, in line with 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.'
Yes, is it possible for a hungry person, or for that matter a homeless person, to pursue an intense love affair? Not at all! So, his primary objective remains accumulating sufficient wealth so that his basic needs are successfully met, and once done it gives him immense satisfaction making him happy.
It's only after those basic needs are met, one can completely get rid of anxieties pertaining to ensuring the survival, and then, perhaps look for emotional satisfaction through creative achievements -- independent of monetary inputs.
However, beyond that critical point of meeting decent survival needs, money may not buy you more happiness any more but it certainly acts as a catalyst improving the probabilities to gain further -- depending on how you define your happiness.
So I agree with the conclusion of this study, that "Money can buy you happiness – up to a point," but with a slight deviation as mentioned above.What about you?
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Sunday, September 5, 2010
Only One Chance: Make It Happen in Life
There is no way you can make it unless you believe in it. And, the common human tendency is: Not to believe in what we can really achieve.
Let me share with you an excellent video highlighting the power of mind: How, if stretched beyond limits, it can make our dreams come true.
So if you nurture a dream that sounds ridiculous to others, chances are that you would be successful in achieving it -- if you truly believe in yourself.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Are Recruiters Prostitutes?
With all my patience and maturity level being tested with the toughest invasion of self-respect, I was rendered speechless, today, when one of the business heads of a client I've been associated with for close to a decade, blasted: "I'm paying you for whatever services you're offering, so you must do what I tell you do."
I must thank Robin Sharma - whose book, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" I'm reading now - for helping me accumulate a huge self-control demonstrating an unusual maturity level of -- laughing insults away!
However, I'm confused now! Did I really show an exceptionally high maturity level by keeping quiet, or my silence was simply a manifestation of the fear that I'd lose a client if I had reacted.
Believe me, I've never experienced such a demoralizing incident during my 15 years of an otherwise fulfilling executive search career, so far.
And, having embraced the job of a recruiter, out of passion and not under compulsion: Like, let's do something until a break in the corporate happens - as I'd already worked with the largest corporate of that time, Bajaj Auto Ltd - I wonder, is there a methodology available for identifying the line of control beyond which self-respect must take over the demonstration of maturity -- independent of the circumstances?
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
Is Hiring A Peanut Job, or Something Much Beyond?
'What's your degree of involvement in talent acquisition for your organization?' Before I could prepare myself for a reply, he, the CEO of a 1000 crore company, shot back, 'deeply, while recruiting for all senior level and critical middle level openings!'
Yes, what he said reflects an increasing awareness among top management: The importance of hiring the right candidates for leadership positions -- both macro and Micro.
Some of these trend setters are successfully breaking away from a century old mindset: Oh, hiring, that's HR's job, and the HR head, seconding boss's idea, pushes it down the hierarchy, finally to a freshers -- with no idea about either its importance, or the right methodology for a successful execution!
Gradually, without realizing the impacts of this negligence, top management continues with recruiting the candidates: Who're either good for nothing, or bad for everything, eventually laying down the foundation of a spacious organizational graveyard big enough to accommodate both the entire top management and also the stake-holders..
When I asked this CEO, 'any specific reason for such a deep involvement in hiring?' He answered, "Abhijit, I'm working hard to grow in my career which is possible only if the organization grows, and that would happen only if I've a team consisting of the right professionals supporting me achieve what I intend to." He added further, "hiring one wrong candidate for a critical position may sabotage my entire effort.Why should I let it happen?" What an explanation, and such a truthful analysis of prevailing business environment.
Let's not live in a fool's paradise: There is a huge talent crunch and sooner the leaders realize better it is, for them. Nothing, but the right talents would dictate the organizations' future in prevailing business environment, and our beloved CEOs, MDs and Lalas ( in India, the owner of a family run company is lovingly called as 'Lala' ) must realize this fact as soon as possible, and act accordingly.
So, the leaders who're of the opinion that hiring is a peanut job and nothing beyond, are not likely to survive, professionally, for long!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
A Cruelly Innovative Retention Policy!

Today I called up a candidate to find out if he is willing to move out of his comfort zone, I mean open to explore a challenging assignment elsewhere.
It's a regular affairs for me, because most the clients I handle strictly believe in recruiting candidates who're not actively looking out.
A difficult job, but the more you do it, more you love it: Putting your best efforts to convince those candidates that they must look out for better opportunities -- ultimately, help them building a better career.
Okay, let's not get deviated from the theme of this article.
The candidate I was talking to, is working for an organization where management strictly believe none of its employees should ever join a competitor. And to enforce this policy, they would get employees sign a legal document also -- I've strong doubt about its validity though.
When I disclosed to him that the proposed assignment is with one of the competitors, he politely declined to pursue it further saying he is keen to explore challenging options but only with non-competitors -- for the reasons stated above.
All my efforts to convince him about impracticality of that policy came to a grinding halt, when he shared that some of the ex-employees who challenged this peculiar policy - by joining competitors - were subjected to endless harassment including legal proceedings that lingered on for years.
Interestingly, contradicting its own policy, management of that company seem to be too happy to recruit potential candidates from its competitors.
In a nutshell, the company can recruit candidates from competitors but would never allow its employees to join them.
Does it sound funny? Yes it does, but there's a limit to behaving funnily. Isn't it?
Well, I'm not inclined to analyze it further and suggest any corrective action at the moment, but, would like to ask you a simple question: Have you ever heard of or come across such HR policy in your career so far and if so, what's your take on the validity of such cruelly innovative retention policy?
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Image: Flickr
Faith And Leadership !!!

Classical definition of Faith is the affirmation of belief, without any practical or logical evidence. The realm of Faith starts, when we venture into the space beyond evidence or logic.
Now ,if you look at religious interpretations:
In Christianity, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.
In Hinduism, Faith means unshaken belief and purity of thought and it is recognized as a virtue.
In chapter 17 of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna mentions the three types of faith:
1.Faith rooted in Sattva
Those with sattvic faith are said to worship the GOD.
2.Faith rooted in Rajas
Those with Rajasic faith are said to worship Demons.
3.Faith rooted in Tamas
Those with tamasic faith are said to worship Ghosts and Spirits.
Faith in Buddhism refers to a sense of conviction, regarding setting a goal and the determination to accomplish it, while drawing a sense of joy and also live by what is learnt and accepted, rather than believing something outright.
Faith in Islam is called Iman and it signifies an instinct of the human soul, refined through upbringing into specific religious or spiritual paths.
Even Scientific discovery begins with a scientist's faith that an unknown discovery is possible requiring a passionate commitment. However , this faith is based on a set of assumptions and extrapolation of the fundamental truth towards a predictable conclusion but without any idea about the nature of final outcome.
All these above interpretations are strickingly similar, clearly confirming a decisive role of spirituality in defining the degree conviction and the extent of determination of the Leadership to achieve the ultimate business objective.
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Written a year and half ago
Sunday, August 15, 2010
9 Best Inspirational Quotes -- Never Give Up!
These are the 9 best ‘Never Give Up’ quotes – in my opinion – I have collected over a period of time and sharing with you now.
1. God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless. # Chester W. Nimitz
2. Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world. # Jane Addams
3. The man who wins may have been counted out several times, but he didn’t hear the referee. Never quit or give up….never…..never give up. # H.E. Janson
4. Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. # Satchel Paige
5. Never give up, never give in, and when the upper hand is ours, may we have the ability to handle the win with the dignity that we absorbed the loss. # Doug Williams
6.Never, never, never, never give up. # Winston Churchill
7. Think of the long view of life, not just what’s going to happen today or tomorrow. Don’t give up what you most want in life for something you think you want now. # Elder Richard G. Scot
8. Never give in! Never give in! Never, never, never, never – in nothing great or small, large or petty. Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. # Winston Churchill
9. When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. # Harriet Beecher Stowe
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Image: Flickr
Monday, August 2, 2010
Never Say, "Thanks to 'Everyone:'" It Hurts, Silently!
I was surprised - long ago, while working for a large Indian Corporate - when someone during a course of discussion on relationship management said that our divisional manager would always make it a point to send personalized greeting cards to his contacts -- four separate cards to a family of four members.
But what never surprised us was, his immense popularity at least in his professional circle. Now, I can make out how he achieved that: He always respected and acted - to acknowledge and recognize individualism!
Then came the era of email, sms and now status updates: Real-time communications. However, it still holds good and effective -- personalized communications.
Like or don't like; accept or don't accept: Everybody seeks importance, and when you receive a group message against a personalized communication making you part of the crowd -- you hate it, may not express, though!
Small things in life matter and most of us overlook that, but at what cost? Nothing visible at the moment, though -- they do matter in the long run.
So, please use the name while thanking someone who took out a few minutes to say something good about you, instead of saying: 'Thanks to everyone,' -- unless it's too big to handle, or you're a celebrity!
Thanks: RedCat, on Flickr
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Can We Learn Re-Invention Lesson From LG Success Story in U.S.
"Today, some 95 per cent of American consumers view LG as a premium foreign consumer electronics brand, lagging only behind Sony in terms of brand recognition, according to a survey commissioned by LG last year. But as recently as the late 1990s, the company had marketed its products under the Goldstar brand, which American consumers viewed as low quality. To establish a premium brand image and achieve a broader penetration of the US market, the company re-launched its products under the LGE brand in 2002."
Can we learn some lessons from LGA's success story -- in terms of re-invention?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
16 Tips for Successful Blogging
Let me come straight to the point:
1.Stop convincing yourself: That, you've floated a Blog just because it's your hobby. Had it been so you would have been reading other blogs and commenting on various issues -- more than sufficient to quench your thirst for creativity.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
GOD, Do You Have An Answer to My Question?
A lady in her eighties whom I know well, is struggling hard to clear if off the fence to what I assume, rather convinced, would be much better than what she's been going through right now: Death.
She's completely bid-ridden with hardly any physical movement that she's capable of executing, but her mind is active -- and very much.
She had struggled through-out her life to ensure the best possible education for her sons and married her daughter off to a successful person. Yes, she made their future.
But, in that process, all her children moved away to far off places for a better career and she was left alone with her much older husband.
Today, she's lying helpless in her bed at the mercy of a few medical attendants, and her husband - who's close to ninety but still somewhat active - is coordinating with the Doctors to keep her alive -- fighting a loosing battle, though.
Neither her children can stay indefinitely with her nor they can shift her to their place - a hopeless situation!
Incidentally, I know another lady, who, intentionally or not I don't know but never walked an extra-mile to ensure what the first lady did, and all her sons remained there with her taking up mediocre jobs despite being intelligent enough to build-up a much better career.
And being with all her sons and other family members, she's looked after well -- living a much better life than the first lady.
Being a strong believer of the hypothesis that 'we get what we give,' I'm confused, utterly, because the developments here happen to be just the opposite: She, who did the best, is receiving the worst -- and she, who did nothing, is being rewarded the best.
If there exists a divine power - God or whatever term we may use - may I ask him or her a very simple question: Why do you punish a person who truly deserves a reward?
For the image, thanks to Denis Collette...!!!'s
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Time Management - Lesson Learned , Decades Ago
discussion my boss recommended a review meeting with his boss, the Divisional Head, to resolve this issue.
"Abhijit, if you are running short of time, please try to understand there's something terribly wrong with your overall system. Pl, review it asap, and reduce the clutters.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Where There is A Will, There is A Way
An experience, it was: Watching the Hindi movie “My Name is Khan” — and, it was no less than how I felt while connecting with the blockbuster “Avatar.”
Incidentally, my soul went into a perfect sync with this amazing movie - right from the beginning - and through-out the show I was on a different plane with no other thoughts cutting across my mind.
Well, I’m not writing a movie review but highlighting the motivational power of this fascinating story: In which, Khan, the central character, proves beyond doubt, that, if there is a will there is a way.
Fighting against every negativity you can imagine, he maintains an unbreakable positive frame of mind focusing on his primary objective of meeting the President of United State of America -- and finally achieves it.
His concern for an old lady and her son interferes into his priorities, but that doesn’t dilute the importance of his primary objective. And, that’s an important message to all fighting souls: Attending to intermediate objectives is important, but never at the cost of primary. It’s all about balancing between priorities and attending to all of them with sincerity and dedication.
Winning over a demanding psychological disorder – autism – Khan successfully demonstrates the power of positive thinking, flushing out all obstacles from his way – one of the toughest journey, undertaken, ever, by anyone – to a seemingly unreachable destination.
Also, how important is the role of mothers in autism affected children’s life – for improving their language skills by engaging sensitively with them – has been perfectly highlighted in this movie.
Wonderful experience with tons of motivational inputs!